palette problem with my demo

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palette problem with my demo
by on (#40436)
Hi, this is my 1st post!

Well, I'm making a demo which is a Rapidroll clone (Rapidroll is a very simple, but highly addictive game that comes with the Nokia 1600). The thing is I really wanted to make a good title screen for it and in order to achieve that I had to change the background color at midframe, and while it does work fine with Nintendulator (0.960) and some others emulators I had tested (NO$NES, FCEUXD), when I play the ROM with Nestopia I get a weird bug that screws up the background color randomly when fading in or out, and I wanted to know if that bug it's present on actual hardware, so could someone test the rom for me and tell me how it works?

Here's the ROM:

Thanks in advance.

PS: I don't feel like releasing the source code right now because it's a mess.

PS2: It's a NTSC ROM.

by on (#40438)
I could test it tommorow (I'm going to bed right now) but only in my PAL NES. It seems like you assume NTSC, which I can't test. Also this is quite complicated for a first programm, great thing you got it working (even if it's not perfect yet).

by on (#40443)
Bregalad wrote:
I could test it tommorow (I'm going to bed right now) but only in my PAL NES. It seems like you assume NTSC, which I can't test. Also this is quite complicated for a first programm, great thing you got it working (even if it's not perfect yet).
I forgot to say my ROM is programmed for NTSC. Anyway, thanks.

by on (#40448)
It almost looks like you're writing the palette every frame. Specifically, to the main BG color. I don't know how exactly you're doing your palette writes, but that would be my guess.

FCE standard has a weird thing with the BG jerking.

by on (#40450)
Do you really need to change the palette mid-frame? That picture doesn't look awfully complex to me, it seems like it can be drawn with the regular amount of colors.

Black could be your color 0. The ball could use one palette for the top part and another for the bottom part, where green would replace blue. The white reflection could be done with sprites. The hamster could also use 2 palettes, one with a blue color and another with a green color, and whatever can not be represented by the background colors (probably the pink parts and the jacket) can be done with sprites.

I really see no need for complex tricks such as mid-frame palette changes if that's the image you want to show. Unless that image you showed is just a placeholder and the final one is more complex?

by on (#40456)
Damn, you're right. And that way I can also some save CHR-ROM tiles from the 1st bank ($0000 - $1000). Thanks, to think it was so f***ing simple and I didn't come up with that. :oops: