Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242561)
I'm sure someone has noticed that with Nerdy Nights Sound #2 (, the tutorial project ZIP is missing.

"Download and unzip the sample files. All the code above is in the triad.asm file...", is missing and does not help with finding this.

Does anyone know where I can find this ZIP and other missing Zips in the Nerdy Nights tutorials?
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242586)
I can't get either. I have all the other source files from Metal Slime's sound tutorial, it's a pity.
I eventually found the files here, but they are in ca65 format.

I'll upload the sources I have, they where all taken from the Nintendo Age forum except for the "triad.7z" file which is taken from the above link.
Hopefully you can convert it to NESASM (or whatever you prefer) format.
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242613)
Pokun wrote:
I can't get either. I have all the other source files from Metal Slime's sound tutorial, it's a pity.
I eventually found the files here, but they are in ca65 format.

I'll upload the sources I have, they where all taken from the Nintendo Age forum except for the "triad.7z" file which is taken from the above link.
Hopefully you can convert it to NESASM (or whatever you prefer) format.

Thank you! Though, I'm a bit confused... I see that it looks like ASM ... what do you mean by the files being in ca65 format?

UPDATE: I just looked into it. It seems ca65 is a type of ASM that the cc65 compiler understands... I'll see if it makes sense for me to create NESASM versions of these scripts.

By the way, it seems Nerdy Nights Sound Tutorial 10 assets are missing too. Would you happen to have those?
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242616)
Yeah all assemblers have their own assembly language, although most are very similar to each other. It's a very short program though so converting should be easy. All I think you have to do is remove all the ".segment" directives, possibly change the ".word" directives into ".dw" (I forgot if NESASM allows ".word"), remove the ".byte" lines at the top and replace those lines with the NESASM header directives (you can copy from any of the other lessons of the tutorial).
Then you have to add the ".bank" directives that NESASM requires.

What assets of lesson 10 are missing? I thought I uploaded all the files.
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242618)
Pokun wrote:
Yeah all assemblers have their own assembly language, although most are very similar to each other. It's a very short program though so converting should be easy. All I think you have to do is remove all the ".segment" directives, possibly change the ".word" directives into ".dw" (I forgot if NESASM allows ".word"), remove the ".byte" lines at the top and replace those lines with the NESASM header directives (you can copy from any of the other lessons of the tutorial).
Then you have to add the ".bank" directives that NESASM requires.

What assets of lesson 10 are missing? I thought I uploaded all the files.

On the Nerdy Nights Page:
One the line that says: "Download and unzip the sample files. Make sure the following files are in the same folder as NESASM3:"

"" is missing from the archive you gave me.

UPDATE; So sorry. I actually found the in the zip you provided. I need to get some sleep. :roll:
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242629)
No problem!
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242639)

I brought this up on the nintendoage brewery discord, and someone there actually saved all of them down a while back. His collection is attached to my post:

Attachment: [456.04 KiB]
Downloaded 87 times

This has triad in it, and all the others too. Hope it helps!


Actually... this nudged me to do something I've wanted to for a while... I threw up a mirror of all of the nerdy nights tutorials (including audio) and mirrored the files. For audio, I chased down some of the missing images and txt files too.

I've always been afraid of these tutorials going offline, since they're really everyone's go-to for starting nes development. There's a downloadable version too in case my site goes out.

If anyone wants it,

Will probably make a separate topic about this later, but my brain is kinda done for today. (note: full credit to Bunnyboy and MetalSlime for the original tutorials! I just don't want us to lose them if nintendoage falls over, or who knows what else happens)
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242654)
Aah thank you!! This actually triggered me to also save all the files that I hadn't already, but you even got the missing period wave images that I couldn't even retrieve via the wayback machine.

Only drawbacks of those mirrors might be that the forum discussion the comes after each lesson is not included. Some of those comments have useful information for newbies. Like how to convert from NESASM to ASM6 and how to implement a tempo change command in the sound engine among other things.
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242658)
Huh, not a bad point... it probably wouldn't be too hard to include them - I just need to figure out how to put them on the page without distracting too much from the main tutorial.

I may very well do that!

Do you think the first page of comments would be enough, or is it worth saving all of them? (At least a couple of them have more than 25 comments)
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242705)
I'm not sure, been ages since I read through those threads and there's possibly more comments now.
A problem is that discussions that are not so useful for the student reading the tutorial may take place, and then the more useful posts may come later.
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242708)

Actually I like your mirror better than the original. Thanks for that.
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242719)
Since we are talking about backing up source files, I made a repository for SnowBro's SNDTEST, which was the very first NES program that I could understand (before I found Nerdy Nights).

I have gone ahead and rewrote it so that it actually works correctly on a real NES, and added comments, and made 100 other minor changes, and ported it to NESASM3.

Anyway, I found the source code to be a very good example, and felt it should be preserved.
Re: Nerdy Nights -- Missing Zip FIles
by on (#242813)
That's awesome!

That leads me to wonder... is there a need for a bigger preservation project here? I'm sure there's a lot of other things that helped people get where they are. I know for a fact some of the tutorials I used are already offline :(

I'm not sure what to suggest - the thing I made is pretty extensible as one option (especially for old text files, etc) - another might be putting things on the wiki... or, heck, maybe just making sure the important stuff finds its way onto is good enough.

This is probably worth a larger discussion in a new thread at some point. (I'll try to do that, but want to think on it a little first. If someone else is itching to do it, feel free!)

Update: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19333