How to know line of a command with ASM6?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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How to know line of a command with ASM6?
by on (#198863)
I have a huge code with ASM 6. I use

.org $B045

It goes up like to $B500

I'd like a message when compiling or an easy way to know what is the address of a specific line in RAM (for example $B302)

Let's say it's my code

LDA #$00
LDA #$01

I would like to have the address where second instruction is in RAM without searching it. Is there a way?
Re: How to know line of a command with ASM6?
by on (#198864)
When assembling, ask the assembler to create a listing file. In that file you'll see the entire program and the addresses of everything.
Re: How to know line of a command with ASM6?
by on (#198865)
thanks!! I saw this option, I had no idea what a listing was!!