Question about "nes platte viewer.nes"

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Question about "nes platte viewer.nes"
by on (#190141)
Question about "nes platte viewer.nes".See below:
nes palette viewer_001.jpg
nes palette viewer_001.jpg [ 34.97 KiB | Viewed 1195 times ]

Nothing in the red box.
Feos's famicom:
famicom-interpolated.jpg [ 46.31 KiB | Viewed 1195 times ]

Two dots in the red box.
HWM's famicom:
10335828.jpg [ 164.84 KiB | Viewed 1195 times ]

Four dots in the red box.
My test resault is the same to the HWM.
Why emulators have no these dots even with NTSC filter?
Why there is difference between feo and HWM's famicom?
Re: Question about "nes platte viewer.nes"
by on (#190145)
What kind of television / capture device was used to display the 2nd and 3rd results? It's possible that those extra dots are caused by a special NTSC decoder which has trouble with the PPU's slightly-out-of-spec signal (262.0 scanlines, 60.1Hz refresh).
Re: Question about "nes platte viewer.nes"
by on (#190148)
That or it's indentations caused by loading palette data during active picture. When a new color is written, it displays that color for about one pixel before advancing the write address to the next color.

Could you link the ROM?
Re: Question about "nes platte viewer.nes"
by on (#190149)
tepples wrote:
That or it's indentations caused by loading palette data during active picture. When a new color is written, it displays that color for about one pixel before advancing the write address to the next color.

Could you link the ROM?

Yes,here is the rom.
nes palette viewer.rar [624 Bytes]
Downloaded 73 times