It makes sense to separate each part of your game (title screen, menus, cutscenes, gameplay, etc.) in two parts: initialization and loop. The initialization will run once and set up all the variables necessary for that part, draw name tables, and so on. The loop comes after the initialization, and will run every frame, updating things based on input, AI, whatever.
When you're in the gameplay loop and decide that the level has ended, you'll have to increment a variable that indicates which level you're in, and after doing any other procedures you judge necessary (fading out, for example), you can simply jump back to the gameplay initialization, which will take care of initializing the next level.
The initialization code should be able to use the level number as an index, that can be used to load different data for each level. For handling different backgrounds, for example, you first have to make a list of pointers to all backgrounds you have, in order:
.db $01, $01, $01, $02, (...)
.db $04, $04, $02, $02, (...)
.db $00, $08, $08, $08, (...)
.dw Level1Background, Level2Background, Level3Background
Then you can use the level number as an index to read the address of the name table you need to draw from that table:
lda LevelNumber ;get the number of the level
asl ;multiply it by 2 since each address is 2 bytes
tax ;use it as an index
lda LevelBackgrounds+0, x ;copy the lower byte of the address
sta BackgroundPointer+0
lda LevelBackgrounds+1, x ;copy the higher byte of the address
sta BackgroundPointer+1
jsr UpdateNT ;go update the name table
UpdateNT is just a routine that copies map data from the address pointed by BackgroundPointer to the name tables.
The same principle can be applied to all other attributes of the level, such as the list of enemies, song played, starting position for the player, and so on. As long as you index all of those in order, you can read the appropriate data for each level using the level number as an index.