Running on Opera x64 12.01 SPDY (but also tested in Firefox Nightly x64 17.0a1 from 08-18-2012, Safari Windows 5.1.7 [7534.57.2], Google Chrome 21.0.1180.81 beta-m, and Internet Explorer x64 9.0.8112.16421, although the latter three exhibit no real problem) I have trouble reading quoted text, as it looks really dark upon the background color being used. I should disclose that I'm running gdipp on my system as I despise hinted font rendering and find the unhinted gdipp rendering to be much easier to read (hence why I run Opera as my main browser, as Safari's rendering of light-on-dark text is a bit too bold for my tastes, and letter spacing in Firefox, even when forced to use system rendering and thus use gdipp-rendered fonts is sub-optimal). I do wonder if those running on Mac OS X may have similar issues, as I understand font rendering to be much better than the Windows version of Safari when using anything but "Windows Standard" rendering. My girlfriend has a Macbook so perhaps next time I see her I could check to see how it renders on her system in various browsers.
Since the quotes are clearly delimited by the box around the quote, I would ask that the quoted text be brightened a little bit, possibly even to the same level as unquoted text. The fact that I run gdipp may make me a special case, but I find it really hard to read quoted text. I can provide a screenshot if necessary.
Since the quotes are clearly delimited by the box around the quote, I would ask that the quoted text be brightened a little bit, possibly even to the same level as unquoted text. The fact that I run gdipp may make me a special case, but I find it really hard to read quoted text. I can provide a screenshot if necessary.