How to align the texts to right , left or center?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97173)
I'm gonna translate some documents here in the forum into Arabic , and Arabic is written from right to left , so I wanna align the texts to right.So how can I do that?I tried the bbcode [right][/right] but it doesn't work

so is there any BBCode enabling me to align texts to right?
if not , can administrators provide the forum with this BBCode as long as it will be hosted at a new host?
I suggest u admins installing new versions of BBCodes?

I need that 'cause I'll be posting Translations here in the forum.

by on (#97213)
why didn't anyone reply?I really need this feature.

by on (#97229)
By next month, we'll have moved to, and we plan to use phpBB3 there.

by on (#97233)
tepples wrote:
By next month, we'll have moved to, and we plan to use phpBB3 there.

WOW...that's cool and I hope u use the version of BBCodes that has the aforementioned features.
Re: How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97444)
Hi guys
I notice some changes in the forum appearance....did u move to the new host yet?
Re: How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97450)
Read the other relevant threads (particularly the announcement in General).

For rest of admins: dunno if that is an allowed BBCode, but if not, newer phpBB lets you make one yourself. ... ng_bbcodes
Re: How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97476)
I'm adding a markup for blocks of text in right-to-left languages. The rtl tag takes a two-character language code as an argument, which will usually be ar for Arabic or he for Hebrew.
[rtl=ar](several paragraphs of Arabic text)[/rtl]
[rtl=fa](several paragraphs of Farsi text)[/rtl]
[rtl=he](several paragraphs of Hebrew text)[/rtl]
[rtl=ur](several paragraphs of Urdu text)[/rtl]

My exposure to right-to-left languages comes largely through religious texts, so I'll use a couple well-known slogans about the unity of the God of Abraham as test cases:
لا إله إلا الله

שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָד

Top: "There is no god but God" in Arabic; bottom: "Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God, Jehovah is one." (Deut 6:44)
Re: How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97576)
thanks man but what about aligning to center code?
Re: How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97601)
tepples please make aligning to center bbcode.
Re: How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97603)
ouso1999, please settle down. These kind of requests aren't a high priority.

I've added two centering BBCodes as so (one for American spelling, one for Canadian/British/AU/NZ spelling):

[center]this text is centred[/center]
[centre]this text is centred[/centre]

Here's an example in use.
Re: How to align the texts to right , left or center?
by on (#97651)
koitsu wrote:
ouso1999, please settle down. These kind of requests aren't a high priority.

I've added two centering BBCodes as so (one for American spelling, one for Canadian/British/AU/NZ spelling):

[center]this text is centred[/center]
[centre]this text is centred[/centre]

Here's an example in use.

Thank u man for ur interest.I see u're all hard-working and trying ur best to fix forum issues.I love u all and the forum so good luck and thank u again and sorry for disturbing.