First and foremost: no, the forum isn't going to be upgraded unless folks (as a majority) are cool with it.
Today I poked around with "migrating" the board to phpBB 3.0.9. I did install it (but not at the /bbs/ URL), and even converted/imported all the existing forum posts into the new board version. It worked, with only a couple errors (purely caused by old spammer posts). Quite honestly I was impressed by the conversion; I really didn't think it'd work.
There were a few oddities, such as <br> tags in some of the forum descriptions, and some other extremely minor stuff which I'm sure tepples and I could figure out. I didn't test UTF-8 post support, but our existing UTF-8 posts looked correct.
The newer software has some pretty decent/advanced anti-spam support, which I imagine would make a lot of people here happy. However, folks reading this paragraph need to remember that a *lot* of the spam we get here is a result of humans -- literally Indians or Chinese creating accounts manually, not via software. Captcha and captcha-equivalents can't solve that (but phpBB 3.x does support both kinds).
Anyway -- the biggest problem I ran into was that the existing nesdev forum style (black background, orange cells/bars, etc.) wasn't migrated. I tried to figure out how to manually create a new style (e.g. migrating it by hand), but was thwarted. It seems the style stuff between 2.x and 3.x is significantly different, and that's understandable. I have no problem spending the time to figure out how to get the existing nesdev forum style working in phpBB 3.x though (I tend to like dark backgrounds :-) ).
Though, so far I'm not impressed with phpBB 3.x's style support -- for one, it prefers to store the CSS in the back-end database rather than as a file on the filesystem (someone obviously doesn't understand the performance implications of this, sigh), but it does offer the ability.
All that said:
How would folks feel about migrating to newer software? Performance-wise it would be a big improvement, and from an administrative perspective it would be easier for me to manage (especially when dealing with spammers -- right now finding the IP of a spammer who creates an account but doesn't post anything is a serious pain in the ass).
Alternately there's the possibility of upgrading the board from 2.0.21 to 2.0.23 -- which I tried as well, and it did not turn out well. In fact, some of the PHP files for this forum are missing massive amounts of code (literally 40-50 lines in some files) for reasons I can't figure out, so I'm a little wary of going that route. I guess I could install 2.0.23 fresh then import all the forum posts to that.
Please discuss/provide feedback if you could. Thanks everyone!
Today I poked around with "migrating" the board to phpBB 3.0.9. I did install it (but not at the /bbs/ URL), and even converted/imported all the existing forum posts into the new board version. It worked, with only a couple errors (purely caused by old spammer posts). Quite honestly I was impressed by the conversion; I really didn't think it'd work.
There were a few oddities, such as <br> tags in some of the forum descriptions, and some other extremely minor stuff which I'm sure tepples and I could figure out. I didn't test UTF-8 post support, but our existing UTF-8 posts looked correct.
The newer software has some pretty decent/advanced anti-spam support, which I imagine would make a lot of people here happy. However, folks reading this paragraph need to remember that a *lot* of the spam we get here is a result of humans -- literally Indians or Chinese creating accounts manually, not via software. Captcha and captcha-equivalents can't solve that (but phpBB 3.x does support both kinds).
Anyway -- the biggest problem I ran into was that the existing nesdev forum style (black background, orange cells/bars, etc.) wasn't migrated. I tried to figure out how to manually create a new style (e.g. migrating it by hand), but was thwarted. It seems the style stuff between 2.x and 3.x is significantly different, and that's understandable. I have no problem spending the time to figure out how to get the existing nesdev forum style working in phpBB 3.x though (I tend to like dark backgrounds :-) ).
Though, so far I'm not impressed with phpBB 3.x's style support -- for one, it prefers to store the CSS in the back-end database rather than as a file on the filesystem (someone obviously doesn't understand the performance implications of this, sigh), but it does offer the ability.
All that said:
How would folks feel about migrating to newer software? Performance-wise it would be a big improvement, and from an administrative perspective it would be easier for me to manage (especially when dealing with spammers -- right now finding the IP of a spammer who creates an account but doesn't post anything is a serious pain in the ass).
Alternately there's the possibility of upgrading the board from 2.0.21 to 2.0.23 -- which I tried as well, and it did not turn out well. In fact, some of the PHP files for this forum are missing massive amounts of code (literally 40-50 lines in some files) for reasons I can't figure out, so I'm a little wary of going that route. I guess I could install 2.0.23 fresh then import all the forum posts to that.
Please discuss/provide feedback if you could. Thanks everyone!