tepples wrote:
koitsu wrote:
A "voting system" for posts would be absolutely pointless as well. Ten people mark up a post as spam; what should happen to it? What if a bunch of dickheads register accounts and start marking random posts as spam (yes this will happen, and the repercussions could be devastating).
To expand on what Dwedit said: Look at how Slashdot has handled this. Each comment has a score from -1 to 5 (most comments start at 1), and each user has a score from -10 to 50 (start at 0). Any account that is at least a year or two old, has a high enough score, and has a certain amount of recent activity will occasionally get a package of "mod points" that can be used for increasing or decreasing the score of a comment in any thread to which the user hasn't already posted along with the score of the user who posted the comment. (Site administrators get unlimited mod points.)
All this does is obfuscate and add unnecessary complexity to something which doesn't need it. Speaking strictly about the above "mod point" concept applied to this board:
1) People will quickly run out of mod points. Example: 20 spammers in a month. Uh oh, Hamtaro1234567890 is out of mod points within that month, and Ubernesdevdude who usually visits 5000 times a day (and has tons of mod points) happens to be on vacation in Jamaica. What now?
2) What happens to a post that gets modded down? Does it move to another forum?
3) Existing accounts cannot *safely* have mod points given to them. There are 3545 accounts on the forum:
mysql> select count(*) from phpbb_users;
| count(*) |
| 3545 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Guess how many of those have logged in within the past YEAR?
mysql> select count(*) from phpbb_users where user_lastvisit > unix_timestamp('2010-09-09 16:22');
| count(*) |
| 733 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
3545 - 733 = 2812 accounts which haven't been logged into in the past year, but are probably still valid and could be used for whatever nefarious purposes.
Wait a minute, why would someone just log into them suddenly if they haven't been used in the past year? Who would do such a thing? The answer to that is implied in the next item:
4) I've been noticing spammers creating accounts on a daily basis -- usually multiples per day -- yet never posting anything. Our way of blocking spammers DOES block them from creating accounts AS WELL as posting, so the fact they're able to create accounts at all means they aren't being blocked and are therefore going to be able to post a post. They just haven't yet.
So, these spammers have a ton of usernames/passwords which they can sell to the highest bidder, or log in any time they want and use mod points (assuming we end up assigning mod points to existing accounts) to mod-up their own spams.
There's really no solution to this problem. I'm still waiting for Hamtaro389429835934 to provide his insights on how to solve this problem, since he's apparently fed up with the situation.
And as for upgrading to phpBB3 -- if that's going to happen, we need to "start over". The migration between major versions of phpBB never, EVER goes smoothly. We don't want to lose any of the existing posts (users/visitors have already stated they want those kept).