I want to suggest to enable the Quick Reply feature of the phpBB board, because I hate to open the post page everytime, even when I just want to say a simple thanks.
Best Regards,
Nathan Paulino Campos
I wonder if this version of PHPBB is too old to have that feature.
All them have it.
nathanpc wrote:
All them have it. ;)
I see no such feature under General Admin -> Configuration. So what Dwedit said is probably the case.
Quick replies can be annoying, so I'm not sure that encouraging such a practice would be a good idea.
I mean, how often in a rich/meaningful discussion are quick comments (without quotes to previous posts) called for? I don't think too often, and I'd rather keep the discussions meaningful than risk making them empty quick comments fests just because some people think that clicking the "post reply" button is too much trouble.
I'm not saying anything against you Nathan, you probably miss this feature because you use it in some other forum, so I understand why you want it. But IMO, NESDEV has a lot of members that focus on actual content, differently from most forums out there, which have a lot of "noise". My concern is that enabling quick replies might increase the level of noise.
nathanpc wrote:
enable the Quick Reply feature of the phpBB board, because I hate to open the post page everytime, even when I just want to say a simple thanks. :wink:
You've made the perfect argument against quick reply. Having the bar higher discourages posts unless one really has something to add to a discussion. There are other places to just chat with people, like #nesdev on IRC or the various chat programs.
I don't know - I kinda like that Quick Reply field.
I usually use it when all I'm going to be putting in is text, which is what I do most of the time anyways.
Instead of being all like: Really?!
You're mom did what?
Coolio daddio!
But then again, it's not really a big deal anyway. No need to go to war with this.
Wait, why the hell did I even say anything in the first place?
Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, but just now I clicked Post Reply. With Quick Reply I could've just typed this at the bottom of the page and hit Submit without loading another page.
If I want to quote someone, then I'll quote them, the fact that I use a box at the bottom rather than on a new page doesn't mean I put less thought into a post. In fact at other forums I "Go Advanced" regularly when I need to.
But if it's not available then whatever, it's not going to kill me.
I'd support a quick reply if "Go Advanced" were the only option. It would forc^W encourage users to preview before they post.
This defeating the purpose of quick reply (to allow posting of quick meaningless replies). While we're on the topic, I wonder how much bandwidth would be saved if preview disabled the topic review. I hate doing multiple previews, knowing that each time I'm reloading the entire thread in the topic review. I know it can allow editing of a post without the topic review, so it seems it should be able to do similar for preview.
I like the topic review, I use it a lot.
I was suggesting that topic review be disabled when you preview, but not when you first hit reply. Presumably by that point, you've already referred to previous posts and are simply being sure everything looks right before you post.
blargg wrote:
I was suggesting that topic review be disabled when you preview, but not when you first hit reply. Presumably by that point, you've already referred to previous posts
I have referred to one previous post. I haven't referred to
all previous posts, especially when I reply to more than one post at once or when someone else posted between when I started to write the post and when I finished.
tepples wrote:
...or when someone else posted between when I started to write the post and when I finished.
Oh yeah, I often use my final preview to make sure there are no new posts I would like to talk about in my reply.