Roni wrote:
it's been a topic of heated contention in all gaming circles i've come in contact[heh, pun] with...why do some swear by it and others claim it destroys the cart? .
This really isn't the thread to talk about this.
But yeah, I've seen some major effects from that. Once somebody had a Conker's Bad Fur day Cart. It was some kid. His edge connector was so corroded the game acted malicious. The part with the Rareware logo, Conkers model was scewed up that he lifted his leg. Looked like he was taking a leak on it when it locked up.
Anyway. When I was posting threads they mostly had to do with NES development.
The thread about bi-quad antennas slightly did, but it got out of hand and stupid.
The thread about external IDE enclosures did because it was related tO THE STORAGE i'D USE.
Crap my keyboard is messed up.
The thread about DVD encryption didn't.
The thread about the Aspire one was NesDevelopment related because I am going to use that for development.
The point is it was all pretty much Nes/ Development related.
FX3 wrote:
- I am going to buy my fake hair, my sunglasses and the cigarettes then. Anyway, that guy is taking the risk of remaining silent... and someone here is taking the same error of "not breaking any rule and still being a moron".
You talkin' about me? That's not a cigarette, It's a Cigar!
And that is my real hair. Dang, Is it that bad of a picture? Oh well.
This thread is appears useless now. We've already settled the fact that I'm not Jargon. Or did we?
I'd like to say why I don't get on too often. It's because I have Dial up at my house and when I'm home I don't go online. Although I am right now.
I only go online when I'm staying at another house or when I'm at some place somewhere. Otherwise if I had T1 or some High Speed connection I'd be logged in all the time.