There is lots and lots of WOW goldfarmer spam on here right now...
Anyone want to clean that up?
The only thing better than 1 thread about spam: 2 threads about spam! ^_^
From now on, posts about power leveling or currency exchange for a massively multiplayer online game on a non-Nintendo platform will result in instant b&. (If it were Animal Crossing bell farming, I might have let it slide.)
What about Animal Crossing: City Folk?
tepples wrote:
From now on, posts about power leveling or currency exchange for a massively multiplayer online game on a non-Nintendo platform will result in instant b&. (If it were Animal Crossing bell farming, I might have let it slide.)
Looks like it's still not working yet.
Yeah... as you can see some replies on nesemdev board right now.
How about an automatic delete of any posts with the word bump in it? As a bonus, you delete stupid posts that just say "bump this up" even if it's not by a spammer.

blargg wrote:
How about an automatic delete of any posts with the word bump in it? As a bonus, you delete stupid posts that just say "bump this up" even if it's not by a spammer.

The replies seem to be robotic...

blargg wrote:
How about an automatic delete of any posts with the word bump in it?
I'd disagree, and so would players of
this game. I'll just keep the banhammer ready for now.
And another one just sprouted out..
are they coming from the same IP? Just ban it!
What about banning users whose websites contains a word starting by "wow" ?
The problem with checking IP addresses is that by the time I'm done deleting out the spam, I can't check the IP anymore. Perhaps I could just move the spam to the hidden forum and check the IPs later.
But I have been installing more word censors related to non-NES MMORPGs.
Hahaha, now they're adding random jokes and quotes from online articles to their posts in order to look like legitimate members. You
clever little monkeys!
Anyone know of a good method of sending several thousand volts to a remote computer over the Internet?
BMF54123 wrote:
Anyone know of a good method of sending several thousand volts to a remote computer over the Internet?
I can look up the IP addresses of spammers so that other users can report them to their ISPs.
... adding in even the most basic of spam protection isn't hard, guys. Seriously, give me FTP access and you'll have most bots blocked within seconds with about zero effort.
Seriously. I mean it. I did this to my own forum years ago and I haven't had a spambot since.
tepples wrote:
I can look up the IP addresses of spammers so that other users can report them to their ISPs.
That's like shooting a BB gun at an invisible tank.
Passive moderation is
not going to take care of this problem. Only a little administrative elbow grease behind the scenes will.
(I can vouch for Xkeeper; he knows what he's doing)
...but he has an admin status right now.
And I am using the admin status to ban spammers' accounts right before I delete all their posts. But every time I am promoted, I learn of a higher access level that I don't yet have. Currently I know of the following:
- FTPer
- Administrator (e.g. myself)
- Moderator
- User
- Guest
As far as I can tell, only FTPers can install tools that prevent spam robots from registering or posting. The only relevant actions that I can find in the phpBB 2 admin control panel are to 1. ban accounts that have already spammed (which I am doing) and 2. turn off automatic confirmation of all newly registered accounts.
tepples wrote:
2. turn off automatic confirmation of all newly registered accounts.
As much as I hate e-mail confirmation, it might be the best option right now.
It would work well, but get ready... as your inbox may get flooded.

BMF54123 wrote:
tepples wrote:
2. turn off automatic confirmation of all newly registered accounts.
As much as I hate e-mail confirmation, it might be the best option right now.
But how would I tell the difference between a human trying to register and a spambot trying to register when deciding whether to activate the account?
Usually by looking the e-mail address. I had/have a forum with this thing, and most e-mails have a weird user@. You cannot filter them automatically, unfortunately. That's why I warned you about the flood. Normal users and bots will get registered.
Hey, I just registered at another site, and they had a great method of dealing with spambots. There were about 8 textboxes in the registration process that it said in big letters to leave empty. If you didn't leave it empty, it would think you're a spambot. They were all in a row, so it said that spambots always fill in some of the boxes. Maybe something like that should be implemented here.
Please stop the incompetence already!
Auto-ban and delete all posts by anyone with under 10 posts who makes links using those specific censored words.
If only I knew how to make or find a phpBB mod...
You know, I had the same problem on another forum when phpBB2 was installed, but this hack did the trick:
It's easy to implement, and only every once in awhile one would get through. If I remember, the setup time is only ~5 minutes. Like I said, it did wonders for the forum I was running.
There's also another more complicated one that takes ~30 minutes, but I never tried that. It's the one that asks questions (I think maybe Celius mentioned it?). Oh wait, no, he was talking about the other one haha Well, yeah, that one works very well!
Of course, this is all considering that you can get into the server.