Is this board better off without...

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Is this board better off without...
by on (#33139)

by on (#33141)
Ban him. We who have gotten used to him know he is just to be ignored, but newcomers get confused by his garbage.

EDIT: This thread should be moved to General imho. As this board is not better off with more posts related to jargon then what he spews out on his own.

by on (#33142)
He's already perm bot-banned in #nesdev. Seems to be a good trend to follow.

Who else thinks the channel has improved?

by on (#33144)
Amen :)

by on (#33145)
I do think the chan is now constructive intellectually. Jargon's departure is not really a loss IMO. I wouldn't mind the guy hanging around if it was not for the fact he's deliberately trying to be a nuisance. (sets up a forum just to post out-of-context crap and attack members here)

by on (#33146)
actually just ban the fucker and be done with it

by on (#33147)
Wrong forum; This has nothing to do with the development of NES software.

by on (#33148)

If you wish to vote to have this moved to "General", be my guest. Honestly, I don't give many fucks. But to sink your argument, I'd like to say that jargon's posts for the most part IMPEDE NES development. His "additions" and discussions confuse n00bs and don't contribute anything. Is this something better for "General" still? Surely. My bad. My bad, bad inconsideration.

(Truthfully, it was an act of error and passion that I posted it here instead of General so that it could be seen more.) If my bullshit can be excused, hopefully it may be. Otherwise, I see no point in diverting from the significance of this post and how it affects our community.

by on (#33149)
Absolutely better off without him, he just poisons topics with incoherent ramblings. Even worse than a noob, he spreads false information instead of just not knowing stuff. Maybe if he actually did something useful I would feel different and he can still change my mind.

by on (#33153)
B00daW wrote:
But to sink your argument, I'd like to say that jargon's posts for the most part IMPEDE NES development.

So since he posts a bunch of garbage, my "argument" that you should post this elsewhere is obliterated?

And really, it's not a huge deal this was in the wrong forum. I didn't mean to make it sound like that.

by on (#33155)
Not worried either way. If it makes you feel better, your "argument" isn't destroyed. But I don't want to take away from the topic with unimportant jabber; such as this non-issue.

If other people would come forward with testimonials for or against jargon, it would be appreciated.

by on (#33160)
a lot of people consider me to be a tyrant when it comes to running forums, but I most definitely believe that I would have banned Jargon 100 times over.

Hamtaro is the proud winner of a 50-times-over figure, if you care to know.

by on (#33161)
There are several times where I've found Jargon to be annoying, and a little in-your-face, but you know, I'm surprised I haven't been banned. About a year and a half ago, I had the most annoying posts ever. I read them and I'm honestly really embarrassed. For any of you who know what I'm talking about, and have had do deal with my annoying hyper attitude from then (I don't consider myself to be as annoying anymore, that might be just me), I apologize.

But some of Jargon's posts are completely useless, such as this one. I feel that after making threads about how much people suck, not following board etiquette(Such as refusing to stop double/triple-posting), posting irrelevantly/rudely/drunkly, he should be given one more chance to redeem himself and show some etiquette/respect.

If he refuses, then perhaps he should be banished.

by on (#33162)
Celius wrote:
I feel that after making threads about how much people suck, not following board etiquette(Such as refusing to stop double/triple-posting), posting irrelevantly/rudely/drunkly, he should be given one more chance to redeem himself and show some etiquette/respect.

If he refuses, then perhaps he should be banished.

I respect your input, but this is indeed what the voting process is about.

A chance or no chance.

If giving him a chance is indeed what you wish, don't feel bullied to vote via influence.

Cast your opinion.

by on (#33163)
I just want it to be clear that even though I may vote "Leave him be", I don't mean it all the way. I mean it as he should get one more chance, and if he screws up, then ban him.

by on (#33168)
he's talked so much foolishness that's confused me and annoyed me in the past, that just the mention of his name gives me a headache. even though i try to be nice and tolerate him, listening to his garbage is honestly just fuel for my own self destruction...

by on (#33197)
Not sure if this has come to a conclusion or not, but I vote yes for Jargon to be banned. Like was mentioned earlier, what he posts is pretty destructive. It actually holds people back, and I'm a prime example, as I've read some of his posts here and tried to make sense of them. They're not good posts when you actually try and make sense of them. Maybe I'm just dumb... dunno.

by on (#33204)
Roth wrote:
Maybe I'm just dumb... dunno.

That's what i think until all of the pros tell me that his stuff is nonsense

by on (#33253)
I know alot of people on irc don' t exactly like me either........but Jargon is worse. I'm gonna vote ban.

by on (#35904)
Now I'd really like see him banned for good this time, because he really deserves no more.

by on (#35906)
He's producing a lot of noise, nonsense context.

by on (#35909)
I wasn't so offended the first time, but he's been pretty annoying since he came back!

by on (#35917)
Some boards (*cough* pocketheaven) have very stringent ban policies. Titney wields the banhammer there, and loves to use it a LOT at the first sign of any stupidity.

by on (#35921)
If you ban Jargon, government conspirators will get him & the universe will implode! :P

by on (#35922)
I've changed my mind since last time. I say we keep him around. He is a comedy goldmine. I've laughed out loud several times today while reading his nonsense. :)

Newcomers might still get confused by his bullshit though, so maybe his posts should be hidden for people who have been registered for less then a year or something.

by on (#35930)
Anders_A wrote:
Newcomers might still get confused by his bullshit though, so maybe his posts should be hidden for people who have been registered for less then a year or something.

Believe me, it's not just newcomers that are getting confused.

He seems to be the most active member of the board right now, which only makes matters worse...

by on (#35933)
BMF54123 wrote:
He seems to be the most active member of the board right now, which only makes matters worse...

- If jargon is allowed here, pigs can fly around the globe!

by on (#35987)
BMF54123 wrote:
[Jargon] seems to be the most active member of the board right now, which only makes matters worse...

Probably won't catch up with my post count any time soon though :twisted:

by on (#36032)
tepples wrote:
Probably won't catch up with my post count any time soon though :twisted:

Oh my god I'm the second top poster here. Make me feel weird espeically since I'm a newcomer compared to some people here like tepples which has been into nesev for about 10 years, and I've only been active here for about 4 years.
Anyway you can't sort members by the "post per day" factor which would be more significative to how active a member is.

by on (#36103)
I really hope you (tepples) take into the account the word "flood", or a collection of multiple topics with or without context, regardless the on-off-topic thing. These topics make the things bigger, breaking the natural growing, and excuse the words, but a lake flooded of TRASH. >_<

by on (#36105)
I'm still in the dark about what caused Quietust to leave here and ban himself.

by on (#36107)
Dwedit wrote:
I'm still in the dark about what caused Quietust to leave here and ban himself.
