email Topic Reply Notification link does not exist

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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email Topic Reply Notification link does not exist
by on (#22588)
i got an email for Topic Reply Notification. but the link provided, ... 2585#22585, does not exist. i think this has happened before. i checked the tread and do not see any replies. why is the email sent?


by on (#22590)
What happened was that I deleted obscene spam between when it was posted and when you checked your e-mail.

by on (#22592)
i was thinking that but wasnt sure. perhaps a redirect to a page that says it was deleted and for what reason. not sure if that can be done or phpbb would need a patch. oh well. thanks anyway.


by on (#23516)
it happened a lot lately