howcome Q's banned?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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howcome Q's banned?
by on (#21820)
Seen between nickname and avatar:
forum glitch/abused security hole? Or is this on purpose? (I doubt)

by on (#21824)
Yeah, I noticed that too... o.O
No clues by the way.
Re: howcome Q's banned?
by on (#21856)
hap wrote:
Seen between nickname and avatar:
forum glitch/abused security hole? Or is this on purpose? (I doubt)

I don't know what the hell is going on with Q. he was in #nesdev on IRC, then banned himself and quit, took the bots, said he was going to remove the wiki, and then now I guess he banned himself here and has disappeared.

Anyways, for completeness sake, and maybe someone else can figure it out, here are the IRC logs from that time:

[21:59:24] <_Q> hmm, "koitsu" is listening again
[21:59:31] <_Q> though I can't fathom why
[21:59:47] <_Q> somehow he thinks he'll be able to get something by spying on the channel
[22:00:45] <gannon> I big bunch of...nothing?
[22:00:45] <_Q> though if he really *was* koitsu, it'd be nice if he fixed the problem with all the damn spammers signing up on the forums
[22:01:28] <_Q> (after all, he IS the admin)
[22:01:45] <gannon> Easiest way to deal with spammers is blocking common email domains they register from
[22:01:51] * Joins: ChrlyMac (
[22:02:41] <gannon> Although by just changing the register form on our forums we cut it down drastically. We only got one spammer/advertiser since we added it a few weeks ago and it seemed to be an actually person
[22:03:06] * _Q sets mode: +b *!*bay@emo.san
[22:03:06] * bay was kicked by _Q (you know, I've never actually seen you speak in here...^O)
[22:03:48] <_Q> for whatever reason, random people join this channel and then just idle in it
[22:04:08] <_Q> most of the time, they tend to be one of cooey's minions
[22:04:19] <_Q> and then they spy on the channel for some bizarre reason
[22:04:26] <_Q> as if something secret was going on in here
[22:04:36] <Anders_A> heh
[22:04:38] <_Q> it's not like the channel is invite-only or anything
[22:05:11] <_Q> apparently, he thinks he can intimidate people by taking part in their conversations while they aren't in the channel
[22:05:21] <_Q> and make them think their system has been hax0red or something
[22:06:47] <gannon> That reminds me, if #snes kicks anyone they don't want in and have basically everyone in there opped, why don't they set the channel to be private/invite only? :P
[22:08:11] <_Q> hm, the KoL Desert Beach has grown
[22:08:31] <_Q> now it's the same size as the plains and the forest

* * * *

[22:17:43] <_Q> [21:13:25] *koitsu* hey man, i dunno why you banned bay like that. you're sure being a dick about kicking and banning random innocent people! hey wait a minute, wasn't that what mickoz and i got permanently removed for doing?!?!?! oh shiiiii
[22:17:45] <_Q> whiner
[22:18:14] <gannon> lol
[22:18:30] * qmt sets mode: -b *!*@*
[22:18:32] * ph34r-b0t sets mode: -b *!*@*
[22:18:47] <Anders_A> well, if this bay guy actually cares about being in the channel he'll probably pm you about it
[22:18:56] * qmt sets mode: +b *!*@*
[22:18:57] <_Q> removed the wrong ban
[22:19:15] * qmt sets mode: -b *!*vbrunner@*
[22:19:42] * _Q updates ignore list
[22:20:11] <_Q> -/wi ChrlyMac
[22:20:38] * _Q sets mode: -b *!*bay@emo.san
[22:21:09] <ChrlyMac> q: what?
[22:21:56] <_Q> nothing
[22:23:53] <_Q> if this "koitsu" really wanted to mess with us, he could just take the NESdev forums offline
[22:24:30] <lynxsolar> that would suck
[22:24:50] <_Q> of course, that would only work if he really WAS koitsu

* * * *

[23:02:57] <Lord_Nigh> koitsu still hasn't responded to my pm
[23:03:08] <_Q> Lord^__^BNigh^B^_: which one?
[23:03:20] <Lord_Nigh> the 'koitsu' one
[23:03:35] <Lord_Nigh> i asked him if he's the real koitsu
[23:04:26] <_Q> of course he isn't
[23:04:35] <_Q> the real koitsu is the admin of
[23:04:38] * Quits: Myria (^O) (Read error: Connection reset by peer^O)
[23:04:51] <Lord_Nigh> is the real koitsu banned from this channel?
[23:04:56] <_Q> no
[23:05:04] <Lord_Nigh> didn't think so...
[23:05:18] <_Q> the real koitsu would use a * hostname

* * * *

[00:52:47] <_Q> hmm, bad news
[00:53:22] <_Q> apparently, that actually ^BIS^B koitsu
[00:53:41] <_Q> on, it's stated that he plays on
[00:53:45] <p2>
[00:53:50] <_Q> whose home channel is #nethack on
[00:54:01] <_Q> and he's been in there recently, with the same IP address
[00:55:13] <gannon> hmm
[00:56:23] <_Q> what this means, basically, is that "I lose"
[00:56:51] <_Q> my arrogance has gotten the better of me
[00:57:01] <_Q> it's time for somebody new to lead this channel
[00:57:11] * Quits: ph34r-b0t (^O) (Quit: Quietust^O)
[00:57:17] * Quits: qmt (^O) (Quietust^O)
[00:57:22] <lynxsolar> whoa???
[00:57:36] * _Q sets mode: -o _Q
[00:59:46] <ProtoCat> Heh, interesting.
[00:59:52] <Lord_Nigh> so, all this time, all those comments i got in private messages really WERE from koitsu?
[01:00:17] <ProtoCat> Probably. It's not like he's hiding.
[01:00:30] <Lord_Nigh> someone should unban him then
[01:00:32] <_Q> I will be placing a database dump of the current NESdev wiki online
[01:00:45] <_Q> so that it can be hosted somewhere reliable
[01:00:54] <lynxsolar> you think we'll lose it now?
[01:00:56] <Lord_Nigh> _Q: are you quitting the scene? please don't...
[01:00:58] <ProtoCat> I was wondering why he was banned, myself, but I only watch the conversations here.
[01:01:13] <ProtoCat> Dude, koitsu isn't going to pull the Nesdev stuff unless given very good reason.
[01:01:33] <_Q> I was going to remove all channel bans, but I forgot
[01:01:36] <Lord_Nigh> our rather insulting speculation an hour or two ago might be a good reason
[01:01:39] <_Q> too late for that now
[01:01:53] <ProtoCat> Relax. I'll poke him. I think it'll be fine and it's just a misunderstanding.
[01:02:00] * ProtoCat is one of the folks.
[01:02:15] <_Q> he should be happy that I am no longer in power
[01:03:42] <B00daW> _Q, you wanna talk about this, man?
[01:04:07] <_Q> no; what's done is done.
[01:04:07] <Lord_Nigh> iirc cowering might be involved somehow, or maybe thats something else...
[01:04:10] <ProtoCat> _Q: I spoke to him on AIM. He'll have to unidle, but I seriously doubt there's anything to worry about past a 'I'm sorry' exchange and all that.
[01:04:30] <_Q> this is not the first time I've let power go to my head
[01:04:48] <B00daW> Well, publically admitting faults is an honorable thing.
[01:04:59] <ProtoCat> Eh, happens. It's one of those things. You can either not moderate and let things go to shit or you can moderate and let things go to shit.
[01:05:00] <B00daW> The next step on your behalf would be to set some internal boundaries.
[01:05:04] <_Q> and I consider what I've done to be pretty close to unforgivable
[01:05:05] <B00daW> And I'd trust your leadersihp.
[01:05:14] <ProtoCat> The question is that if every step of the way you can say you did what you felt was right for the right reasons.
[01:05:31] <ProtoCat> If you can say that, then you did all anyone could ask of ya.
[01:06:07] * Lord_Nigh pokes kevtris: can you kill the ban on *!*@* ?
[01:06:31] <ProtoCat> _Q: I'm speaking to him now. He just says speak to him and all will be cool.
[01:08:06] <_Q>
[01:08:10] <ProtoCat> Anyway, I'll go back to idling and reading the interesting tirades on NES hardware here, contributing little, because I am both lazy and unmotivated.
[01:08:21] <Lord_Nigh> aw, c'mon
[01:08:22] <B00daW> Heh.
[01:08:24] * Quits: _Q (^O) (Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go?^O)

by on (#21859)
Let's from a suicide pact and threaten to kill ourselves unless he returns. :cry:

Can someone email him to find out why he's left?

by on (#21860)
It's a personal decision, we shouldn't pry into it nor hold it against him. I feel a bit bad being responsible for starting this thread, it's uncomfortable having a topic about yourself without being able to participate in the discussion.

Anyway... I think I speak for most of here: Dude, you're welcome to come back any time, your NESdev support is greatly appreciated.

by on (#21861)
What is all that crap about ?
Q' is free to leave the forum if that's how he pleases, but why banish himself ??? That's the most nonsense stuff I've ever heard about !!
Maybe he just went totally overmad for some reason ?

And he was most probably the guy of all us with the most top-notch knownledge, that is just a real pain in the ass if he leaves like that (I mean, he didn't just leave normally).

by on (#21862)
Granted I don't have the whole story -- so I probably shouldn't say anything... but what it looks like to me is some lame internet drama tantrum. Something got blown out of proportion and Q overreacted and made an overly dramatic exit. I've seen things like this happen many times before.

Though I don't really want to believe that because I have such a great deal of respect for Q. I find something like this to be completely out of character for him, so I can only assume there's more to the picture.

But again... I don't have all the facts.

it's uncomfortable having a topic about yourself without being able to participate in the discussion.

Well that's just the thing... he banned himself... so he could participate in the discussion -- he just chose not to. I'm sure no one here would have a problem with his ban being lifted. In fact, I'd wager that most of us would prefer it to be lifted.

by on (#21863)
Well that's just the thing... he banned himself... so he could participate in the discussion -- he just chose not to.

That is definitely the worst thing about it all. He could got angry for some reason, but even then he would have posted a drammatic post before leving or something, not just discretely ban himself without warning.
Though I don't really want to believe that because I have such a great deal of respect for Q. I find something like this to be completely out of character for him, so I can only assume there's more to the picture.

Actually Q was ALWAYS very rational, cold and unemotional. He would be the last of the whole earth to act impulsively without thinking seriously. The only way he could get angry would have been for a technical issue (such as someone claming something very wrong as to be accurate, wich I agree can proof a real annoyance). I really cannot imagine someone like him got mad for whathever reason.

by on (#21864)
he left the scene because he banned a person that turned out to be the admin of this domain ? I'm not up to speed about the problems between Q and Koitsu, anyone feel like sharing?

by on (#21865)
There's something that I call "tailgating" when someone is angry or otherwise not acting "normally". It's when others are unable to accept what is happening and follow too closely in an attempt at influence. Q has is his reasons and people shouldn't make a big deal of it.

Bregalad wrote:
Q' is free to leave the forum if that's how he pleases, but why banish himself ??? That's the most nonsense stuff I've ever heard about !!

Banning oneself would be a way of avoiding second thoughts. It's similar to a public committment.

Disch wrote:
Something got blown out of proportion and Q overreacted and made an overly dramatic exit. I've seen things like this happen many times before.

Nobody ever overreacts to something. A reaction is always to the sum total of a person's experiences up to that point, but others only see the immediate catalyst, and often dismiss what happens next. Sure, it might be spilled milk, but the angry outburst is not merely about spilled milk.

by on (#21866)
Q is just acting too japanese, he remebers me those who always are the hero's closest friend in Mangas who always make a supid and irrelevant mistake, then pass in a depressing phase such as "My honour is spoiled. I was unable to complete my destiny. I'm not dign to be your friend. I'm gonna sucid myself. Go alone, [...].".

And later, they of course always think again, change their mind and eventually come back to hero's side for the rest of the adventure. I hope Quietust will follow that path too.

by on (#21867)
Just my $0.02 about this thing... *ahem*

It seems Q was requesting some admin action regarding this forum, of being overloaded by "dummies" or "spammers" registering like crazy. Well, I have/had the same issue in my forum, though I delete those ones and ban their IPs/e-mails when possible. Plus, the same man that manages the IRC channel, regarding the ban list, from what I read the text... Since it took zero effect, he "vanished".

Be clear: my speculation after reading the IRC logs... ^ ^ and I'd like to make clean my respect by everyone.

by on (#21868)
I don't know what's going on since I've been away, but I'm the only one responsible for administering the forum and userlists, not koitsu.

The spam registration is very annoying, I would know because I get a bounced email from probably all of them.

by on (#21869)
Does this mirror in any way how DragonMinded quit the DS scene? Give it a couple months.

by on (#21928)
Q, I hope you're reading. It appears no one is upset with you. Come back soon and stuff. Don't make me beg like a bitch. :wink:

I'm going to sit right HERE until you come back.


by on (#21929)
I noticed he's no longer banned on these forums ... that's a good sign.

by on (#21930)
I think either Memblers or Tepples unbanned him, since he couldn't unban himself, being benned. *hum*

by on (#21931)
This is kind of pathetic. The guy left for a while/forever. He'll come back or he won't. If he wanted to give us more information, he would have. Move on!

by on (#22121)
Hopefully nothing serious happened, such as a death in his family or something, which made him quit. Maybe a significant other was involved?

by on (#22340)
So how about them $2003-4 registers huh?