hap wrote:
Seen between nickname and avatar:
http://nesdev.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=2778forum glitch/abused security hole? Or is this on purpose? (I doubt)
I don't know what the hell is going on with Q. he was in #nesdev on IRC, then banned himself and quit, took the bots, said he was going to remove the wiki, and then now I guess he banned himself here and has disappeared.
Anyways, for completeness sake, and maybe someone else can figure it out, here are the IRC logs from that time:
[21:59:24] <_Q> hmm, "koitsu" is listening again
[21:59:31] <_Q> though I can't fathom why
[21:59:47] <_Q> somehow he thinks he'll be able to get something by spying on the channel
[22:00:45] <gannon> I big bunch of...nothing?
[22:00:45] <_Q> though if he really *was* koitsu, it'd be nice if he fixed the problem with all the damn spammers signing up on the forums
[22:01:28] <_Q> (after all, he IS the admin)
[22:01:45] <gannon> Easiest way to deal with spammers is blocking common email domains they register from
[22:01:51] * Joins: ChrlyMac (~6502@adsl-69-110-63-98.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
[22:02:41] <gannon> Although by just changing the register form on our forums we cut it down drastically. We only got one spammer/advertiser since we added it a few weeks ago and it seemed to be an actually person
[22:03:06] * _Q sets mode: +b *!*bay@emo.san
[22:03:06] * bay was kicked by _Q (you know, I've never actually seen you speak in here...^O)
[22:03:48] <_Q> for whatever reason, random people join this channel and then just idle in it
[22:04:08] <_Q> most of the time, they tend to be one of cooey's minions
[22:04:19] <_Q> and then they spy on the channel for some bizarre reason
[22:04:26] <_Q> as if something secret was going on in here
[22:04:36] <Anders_A> heh
[22:04:38] <_Q> it's not like the channel is invite-only or anything
[22:05:11] <_Q> apparently, he thinks he can intimidate people by taking part in their conversations while they aren't in the channel
[22:05:21] <_Q> and make them think their system has been hax0red or something
[22:06:47] <gannon> That reminds me, if #snes kicks anyone they don't want in and have basically everyone in there opped, why don't they set the channel to be private/invite only? :P
[22:08:11] <_Q> hm, the KoL Desert Beach has grown
[22:08:31] <_Q> now it's the same size as the plains and the forest
* * * *
[22:17:43] <_Q> [21:13:25] *koitsu* hey man, i dunno why you banned bay like that. you're sure being a dick about kicking and banning random innocent people! hey wait a minute, wasn't that what mickoz and i got permanently removed for doing?!?!?! oh shiiiii
[22:17:45] <_Q> whiner
[22:18:14] <gannon> lol
[22:18:30] * qmt sets mode: -b *!*@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[22:18:32] * ph34r-b0t sets mode: -b *!*@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[22:18:47] <Anders_A> well, if this bay guy actually cares about being in the channel he'll probably pm you about it
[22:18:56] * qmt sets mode: +b *!*@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[22:18:57] <_Q> removed the wrong ban
[22:19:15] * qmt sets mode: -b *!*vbrunner@*.tbcn.telia.com
[22:19:42] * _Q updates ignore list
[22:20:11] <_Q> -/wi ChrlyMac
[22:20:38] * _Q sets mode: -b *!*bay@emo.san
[22:21:09] <ChrlyMac> q: what?
[22:21:56] <_Q> nothing
[22:23:53] <_Q> if this "koitsu" really wanted to mess with us, he could just take the NESdev forums offline
[22:24:30] <lynxsolar> that would suck
[22:24:50] <_Q> of course, that would only work if he really WAS koitsu
* * * *
[23:02:57] <Lord_Nigh> koitsu still hasn't responded to my pm
[23:03:08] <_Q> Lord^__^BNigh^B^_: which one?
[23:03:20] <Lord_Nigh> the 'koitsu' one
[23:03:35] <Lord_Nigh> i asked him if he's the real koitsu
[23:04:26] <_Q> of course he isn't
[23:04:35] <_Q> the real koitsu is the admin of parodius.com
[23:04:38] * Quits: Myria (~meow@ip68-228-65-220.oc.oc.cox.net^O) (Read error: Connection reset by peer^O)
[23:04:51] <Lord_Nigh> is the real koitsu banned from this channel?
[23:04:56] <_Q> no
[23:05:04] <Lord_Nigh> didn't think so...
[23:05:18] <_Q> the real koitsu would use a *.parodius.com hostname
* * * *
[00:52:47] <_Q> hmm, bad news
[00:53:22] <_Q> apparently, that actually ^BIS^B koitsu
[00:53:41] <_Q> on http://jdc.parodius.com/, it's stated that he plays on nethack.alt.org
[00:53:45] <p2> http://pr0n.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/8/88/MarioTanookiSuitcartoon.jpg
[00:53:50] <_Q> whose home channel is #nethack on irc.freenode.net
[00:54:01] <_Q> and he's been in there recently, with the same IP address
[00:55:13] <gannon> hmm
[00:56:23] <_Q> what this means, basically, is that "I lose"
[00:56:51] <_Q> my arrogance has gotten the better of me
[00:57:01] <_Q> it's time for somebody new to lead this channel
[00:57:11] * Quits: ph34r-b0t (quietust@c-24-12-2-74.hsd1.il.comcast.net^O) (Quit: Quietust^O)
[00:57:17] * Quits: qmt (~qmt@CPE-72-128-70-3.wi.res.rr.com^O) (Quietust^O)
[00:57:22] <lynxsolar> whoa???
[00:57:36] * _Q sets mode: -o _Q
[00:59:46] <ProtoCat> Heh, interesting.
[00:59:52] <Lord_Nigh> so, all this time, all those comments i got in private messages really WERE from koitsu?
[01:00:17] <ProtoCat> Probably. It's not like he's hiding.
[01:00:30] <Lord_Nigh> someone should unban him then
[01:00:32] <_Q> I will be placing a database dump of the current NESdev wiki online
[01:00:45] <_Q> so that it can be hosted somewhere reliable
[01:00:54] <lynxsolar> you think we'll lose it now?
[01:00:56] <Lord_Nigh> _Q: are you quitting the scene? please don't...
[01:00:58] <ProtoCat> I was wondering why he was banned, myself, but I only watch the conversations here.
[01:01:13] <ProtoCat> Dude, koitsu isn't going to pull the Nesdev stuff unless given very good reason.
[01:01:33] <_Q> I was going to remove all channel bans, but I forgot
[01:01:36] <Lord_Nigh> our rather insulting speculation an hour or two ago might be a good reason
[01:01:39] <_Q> too late for that now
[01:01:53] <ProtoCat> Relax. I'll poke him. I think it'll be fine and it's just a misunderstanding.
[01:02:00] * ProtoCat is one of the Parodius.com folks.
[01:02:15] <_Q> he should be happy that I am no longer in power
[01:03:42] <B00daW> _Q, you wanna talk about this, man?
[01:04:07] <_Q> no; what's done is done.
[01:04:07] <Lord_Nigh> iirc cowering might be involved somehow, or maybe thats something else...
[01:04:10] <ProtoCat> _Q: I spoke to him on AIM. He'll have to unidle, but I seriously doubt there's anything to worry about past a 'I'm sorry' exchange and all that.
[01:04:30] <_Q> this is not the first time I've let power go to my head
[01:04:48] <B00daW> Well, publically admitting faults is an honorable thing.
[01:04:59] <ProtoCat> Eh, happens. It's one of those things. You can either not moderate and let things go to shit or you can moderate and let things go to shit.
[01:05:00] <B00daW> The next step on your behalf would be to set some internal boundaries.
[01:05:04] <_Q> and I consider what I've done to be pretty close to unforgivable
[01:05:05] <B00daW> And I'd trust your leadersihp.
[01:05:14] <ProtoCat> The question is that if every step of the way you can say you did what you felt was right for the right reasons.
[01:05:31] <ProtoCat> If you can say that, then you did all anyone could ask of ya.
[01:06:07] * Lord_Nigh pokes kevtris: can you kill the ban on *!*@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net ?
[01:06:31] <ProtoCat> _Q: I'm speaking to him now. He just says speak to him and all will be cool.
[01:08:06] <_Q> http://qmt.ath.cx/~quietust/nesdevwiki.sql.bz2
[01:08:10] <ProtoCat> Anyway, I'll go back to idling and reading the interesting tirades on NES hardware here, contributing little, because I am both lazy and unmotivated.
[01:08:21] <Lord_Nigh> aw, c'mon
[01:08:22] <B00daW> Heh.
[01:08:24] * Quits: _Q (Quietust@adsl-69-210-121-160.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net^O) (Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go?^O)