Are youtube embeds supported?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230481)

Are youtube embeds supported on this forum?
I think phpbb supports them, but do we allow them?


Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230482)
Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230484)
TMK, they are not allowed, for what should be obvious reasons. Just use links.
Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230507)
koitsu wrote:
TMK, they are not allowed, for what should be obvious reasons. Just use links.

TBH, even links are problematic:
rainwarrior wrote:

The instant I saw that link, I immediately assumed it was a Rickroll and just copy/pasted it into a search engine (to determine that it was actually "nope.avi").
Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230528)
If you want to do a little bit more work, you can make a preview image link, at least:

No way to embed them directly, though. (...and personally I don't see the need.)
Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230532)
Ok thanks.

@rainwarrior: For some stuff (graphics-related bug or to show a homebrew project for example) I feel a video is better than a super-long post. I feel you risk loosing people's attention if you post a long 2-page post, but a quick 2-minute video can deliver the same information and keep people's focused a bit better. But your thumbnail idea is really good. I could even add the YouTube play logo in the middle and make it look like and embed! :)

@koitsu: "for what should be obvious reasons". I feel YouTube content is usually SFW and family-friendly, no? Maybe I don't hang out in the dark corners of YouTube. Am I missing something else? Maybe we don't want the forum to turn into a meme-fest, but animated gifs would have done that by now if it was an issue!

Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230549)
koitsu wrote:
TMK, they are not allowed, for what should be obvious reasons. Just use links.

I'm not sure what the "obvious reaon" here is.
A YouTube thumbnail with a video title is vastly more user friendly than some URL someone copypasted into a thread without even bothering to describe what it is.
Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230569)
XcQ is the rickroll...
Re: Are youtube embeds supported?
by on (#230571)
oHg5SJYRHA0 and dQw4w9WgXcQ and HNTOMyPUCPg and NZ20N6syuwc and YvLK3js9waE and lOeE06FUZL4 and 8jp0IeDDYmE are also rickrolls.