server room changes: some downtime this week

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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server room changes: some downtime this week
by on (#205175)
Good day everyone!
I just wanted to let you all know there will be some downtime this week as we make some changes in the server room. I will let you all know when these changes are complete.

Our bandwidth will be going up quite a bit, so expect faster download speeds after the changes are done :)

also, if you have your site hosted with us, please send me a message as our IP address will be changing.

Re: server room changes: some downtime this week
by on (#205176)

After this move is over, can I get shell access back? I seem to have lost it in the last move, and I need it for uploading static HTML versions of the wiki.
Re: server room changes: some downtime this week
by on (#205179)
tepples: yes, shoot me a message in this next week and I can get it setup for you. I have a habit of being a bit spacey from jumping from task to task :)
Re: server room changes: some downtime this week
by on (#205278)
aaaaand we are back! I am still working out some bug sand quirks from the move but at least we are running.

even though I had a time scheduled to move the servers today, the old data center decided to shut down 2 days earlier than they were supposed to without telling any of the remaining customers and wouldnt answer an calls. took me 14 hours to track down someone to let me in the building!
Re: server room changes: some downtime this week
by on (#205623)
WhoaMan, thank you so much for your efforts and persistance to help these important servers to work well! :D