Does this website support animated gifs for profile icons?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Does this website support animated gifs for profile icons?
by on (#168618)
Just curious... :lol: I thought it was time for a makeover.

Also, is there a better place to put this? Well, actually, it's a simple yes or no question anyway.

Edit: Wait, I'm an idiot, bazz has one... That was pointless. :lol:
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168621)
If it belongs somewhere, it's probably on the forum section about board maintenance: viewforum.php?f=13

I dunno why you have to ask the question though, just upload a GIF as your avatar and see what happens.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168623)
It's because it's not built yet, and I don't want to waste my time if it's not possible.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168624)
rainwarrior wrote:
I dunno why you have to ask the question though

If he hasn't made the GIF already, asking before he starts could save him some time, and he might not want to have a random unrelated GIF stolen from somewhere as his avatar for a few seconds while testing. The question really should be in the phpBB section, though.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168626)
There's a lot of people on the forum with animated avatars, so it's definitely supported.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168627)
tokumaru wrote:
If he hasn't made the GIF already, asking before he starts could save him some time, and he might not want to have a random unrelated GIF stolen from somewhere as his avatar for a few seconds while testing.

If he'd just uploaded a random GIF his question would have been answered several minutes ago. I could test it myself right now, but I'm trying to encourage the principle of learning things for yourself, so I'd rather waste more time typing this response than it would take just to figure out the answer and tell him. Principles, right? Hrm.

Why would a few seconds of avatar being "wrong" be a problem?
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168630)
rainwarrior wrote:
Why would a few seconds of avatar being "wrong" be a problem?

I don't know, maybe he's having a conversation with someone and doesn't want to confuse that person? Or maybe he just doesn't want to be associated with random images in case someone sees the temporary avatar. Whatever. I wouldn't mind having a wrong avatar for a few seconds, but maybe someone else does.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168642)
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168666)
NOO!!! :cry: I didn't know there was a file size limit of only 20KB...

Somehow, I'll try and make this smaller: (I'll only have room for about 3 frames. :lol: )

Best Profile Picture Ever.gif
Best Profile Picture Ever.gif [ 345.75 KiB | Viewed 8074 times ]

Edit: Screw it, it's impossible to make it look good. I thought I was exaggerating by saying 3 frames, but it actually has to be that (and 80x80 pixels instead of 100x100.)
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168669)
Animated GIF size restrictions just reminded me of the time in Nsider fourms when I programed some lossy compression scheme to produce a 121 framed 129KB GIF file.
I've completely forgot what the original size was but I can dig up those old files from my archive if you are interested.

Edit: I removed the image embed, as the image itself wasn't really relevant.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168670)
JRoatch wrote:
I've completely forgot what the original size was but I can dig up those old files from my archive if you are interested.

Sounds good.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168672)
You can always host the image yourself to avoid any size limits. But please be thoughtful of other users of the forum who might be on limited connections and may not want to download multi-megabyte avatars.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168673)
<-- Thought I'm just not active enough to have people noticed my avatar(or they just didn't wait enough).
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168676)
Every animated avatar I've seen on NESDev so far is relatively subdued, but a busy, bright animated avatar will irritate more than a couple people.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168678)
If you want an animated avatar, you know where to find it.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168681)
Better than a live action one... :lol:

Anyway, it's all good now. I got an imgur profile for this sole purpose. :lol:
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168683)
345k for that.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168685)
Very little, I know. :lol:

...Now that I look at it though, it's a bit distracting... :lol:
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168688)
To follow up with the excavation of my old files, I did not find what my animated GIF would of been without the hack filter but I imagine it was probably about 300KB.
I did however find my image prepossessing program that made the temporal lossyness.
In pseudocode it basically did this to each frame before they were inputed into GIMP for conversion to GIF:
gray(pixel) -> (pixel.R*0.299 + pixel.G*0.587 + pixel.B*0.114)

For each pixel in previous and current images:
    If abs( gray(previous) - gray(current) ) < 8:
        current = previous
        current = current

Nate to self: Never again leave your folders and files nameless (like "New Bitmap (2).bmp" in folder "temp5"), it makes them very hard to search for after 10 years.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168696)
Yeah, great: Content-Length: 354004. That isn't gonna piss anyone off on a latent connection, mobile, or cellular data. imgur also doesn't support gzip or deflate compression, so it's a full 354KB no matter what:

> HEAD /wmxKWiQ.gif HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.48.0
> Accept: */*
> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Last-Modified: Sun, 17 Apr 2016 18:57:17 GMT
< ETag: "181eb36f151da7a026dde5aac5281817"
< Content-Type: image/gif
< Fastly-Debug-Digest: eea700f0d6188db8a6c632620373f6a893f364187d2991ba8b1cdbfafd69224f
< cache-control: public, max-age=31536000
< Content-Length: 354004
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2016 21:21:01 GMT
< Age: 8621
< Connection: keep-alive
< X-Served-By: cache-iad2132-IAD, cache-sjc3124-SJC
< X-Cache: HIT, HIT
< X-Cache-Hits: 1, 1
< X-Timer: S1460928061.191844,VS0,VE0
< Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Server: cat factory 1.0

*double facepalm* At least it's hosted at imgur and not an upload here (I don't think the forum avatar upload would allow such sizes, I forget what we set the limit at).

As for "small-ifying a GIF", ImageMagick has an entire page dedicated to just that. If you have source material in a video format (ex. you want to convert AVI and a codec ImageMagick understands to GIF), there's a page on that too.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168698)
koitsu wrote:
Yeah, great: Content-Length: 354004. That isn't gonna piss anyone off on a latent connection, mobile, or cellular data.
I already added it to my adblock list....

imgur also doesn't support gzip or deflate compression, so it's a full 354KB no matter what:
To be fair, the image formats hosted by imgur already use compression; there's not going to be much incremental improvement other than compressing GIF's (normally uncompressed) palette.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168702)
lidnariq wrote:
To be fair, the image formats hosted by imgur already use compression; there's not going to be much incremental improvement other than compressing GIF's (normally uncompressed) palette.

You're right, I forgot about that. I'll play tepples for a moment: but not all GIFs (animated or otherwise) use LZ77/LZW compression due to the patent debate. Sure, that patent expired in 2004, but there's really no way to guarantee every GIF file ever created is using compression, or that whatever was used to create a GIF present-day makes use of LZW or not (software being used may be "old" and by default *not* use LZW due to the patent concerns, and user has no idea that they should turn it on).

That said: use of deflate or gzip on GIFs using LZW can/does help. On Espozo's avatar, the actual transferred payload goes from 345KBytes to 306KBytes (39KB savings) using gzip (and I did turn on DEFLATE/gzip for .gif files in this context). In other words: gzip's compression model seems to work semi-well on this file, despite it using LZW (I checked):

$ curl --output /dev/null http://www.home.lan/wmxKWiQ.gif
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  345k  100  345k    0     0  48.7M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 56.2M

$ curl --compressed --output /dev/null http://www.home.lan/wmxKWiQ.gif
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  306k    0  306k    0     0  9826k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9884k

Verification of LZW use in that GIF:
D:\downloads\ImageMagick>identify -verbose wmxKWiQ.gif | grep -c "Compression: LZW"

Anyway, point is: animated GIFs (especially ones with lots of frames or visuals) are extremely annoying, waste bandwidth, and really bring absolutely nothing to the table. When I was younger (back in the days when animated GIFs were the hot new thing), sure, I made several myself and they were prolific (esp. on Geocities). Those of us from that era now find them quite annoying (cuz people do stupid things like make 2-3MByte animated GIFs from portions of an anime, for example), especially if hosted by infrastructures or platforms which don't support caching. I myself do use an animated GIF avatar on occasion, but guess how big the file is? 3.9KBytes; I think it's like 4 frames of animation (edit: it's 6). Not too distracting either.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168735)
Does this website support animated gifs for profile icons?

Am I the only one who wish those were banned? I find those to be extremely annoying. In a few cases, like when the animation is really subtle it could be acceptable, but in, say, 85% of cases, animated gifs as avatar really annoys me.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168740)
koitsu wrote:
I don't think the forum avatar upload would allow such sizes, I forget what we set the limit at.

It's 20k.

Don't worry, though, this ugly distracting animation is worth more than 17 other avatars. Believe me.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168741)
koitsu wrote:
That isn't gonna piss anyone off on a latent connection, mobile, or cellular data.

Yeah, I've got 200mb on my cell phone, so the thought of an extra 330k just for reading an NesDev thread featuring Espozo doesn't thrill me.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168742)
There are certainly ways to get it even smaller but... eh.
Edit: Mine's currently 4KB, but it can apparently be 1,273 bytes with absolutely no changes. I think I'd rather just reanimate it at some point if I ever change it.
Edit2: For completeness, here's one that's 300KB and 100% the same visually (I think):
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168752)
rainwarrior wrote:
I've got 200mb on my cell phone, so the thought of an extra 330k just for reading an NesDev thread featuring Espozo doesn't thrill me.

That's your problem. :lol:

lidnariq wrote:
I already added it to my adblock list....
koitsu wrote:
animated GIFs (especially ones with lots of frames or visuals) are extremely annoying, waste bandwidth, and really bring absolutely nothing to the table.
Bregalad wrote:
Am I the only one who wish those were banned? I find those to be extremely annoying.
rainwarrior wrote:
this ugly distracting animation

It's nice to know you guys like it. :lol: If it's truly the largest dilemma since WWII, I'll just revert back.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168754)
I do find your new avatar pretty distracting and slightly annoying. When you asked about animated avatars I imagined you were going to make something original and relevant, not rip a video that wasn't made for small viewports and doesn't even loop. Not looping is a serious offense in an animated avatar, because it constantly draws attention when the animation wraps back to the beginning.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168756)
Espozo wrote:
rainwarrior wrote:
I've got 200mb on my cell phone, so the thought of an extra 330k just for reading an NesDev thread featuring Espozo doesn't thrill me.

That's your problem. :lol:

And unless you're willing to help solve the problem by paying rainwarrior's overage fees, you are part of the problem. Occasionally I tether my laptop to my aunt's phone when we go on long trips, and when I tether, I stick to low-bandwidth sites such as (I also turn on Firefox's tracking protection for its side effect of blocking advertisers that track users' interests across sites, which has the side effect of blocking the most data-heavy ads.) So with two admitted occasional users of cellular Internet here and a distracting rewind, I may end up taking one representative frame from the GIF to produce a PNG avatar.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168784)
I imagined you were going to make something original and relevant

My last avatar wasn't either. :lol: Anyway, when I get home, I'll change it. I don't know what else to use though, probably just the other one.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168806)
Oh no, I think your over-the-top avatar ate rainwarrior's avatar.

That can't be good.

'Hide your wife. Hide your kids.'
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168807)
Yeah, I had to get rid of it. Doesn't surprise me though, because the sole purpose of it was to be a dick. :lol: (It's the "super-large", "obnoxious", "distracting" avatar on "rainwarrior's phone")

dougeff wrote:
'Hide your wife. Hide your kids.'

I believe it's "Hide your kids. Hide your wife". :lol:
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168811)
LOL what did I miss?
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168812)
A 'shopped flip phone occupying approximately the lower left eighth of your user icon.
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168814)
With the icon in the screen, (although it was too small to really be made out). It's already deleted though, unless you want me to remake it. :lol:
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168815)
<_< No need to remake it, I found it using firefox's cache....

Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168816)
Heh, I think the description fills me in pretty much.

Incidentally, I miss my first cell phone, which was a tiny white flip-phone (Sony Ericsson w350i). I kinda hate how gigantic they've all become.

I'm intrigued by the thought that you were so intent on deleting the image forever that you emptied your recycle bin too.

edit: heh, thanks lidnariq
Re: Does this website support animated gifs for profile icon
by on (#168817)
And I found an "HTTP 404 Not Found" when I clicked that link. :lol:

rainwarrior wrote:
I'm intrigued by the thought that you were so intent on deleting the image forever that you emptied your recycle bin too.

Oh, I do that with everything, and regret it most of the time... :lol: