Problem getting "New posts" marked

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Problem getting "New posts" marked
by on (#11046)
When coming across those boards normally, the "new posts" are marked in orange.
Those new posts can be in any topic in any forum, and are *supposed* to keep marked until you read them.
However, for me, when I click on the first one *ALL* new posts get unmarked, making to me the task harder to know what's new since the last one. It's REAL frustrating.

by on (#11047)
It's a problem in all phpBB instances. Try always clicking on the last page of any topic. "View posts since last visit" on the front page may make things slightly easier.

by on (#11054)
tepples wrote:
It's a problem in all phpBB instances. Try always clicking on the last page of any topic. "View posts since last visit" on the front page may make things slightly easier.

that's what I always do, and to be even more sure that you wan't lose any new post.. open every thread in a new window.

by on (#11058)
Thanks, this will probably help.

by on (#11084)
Tabbrowsers make it really easy to open each thread in a new window. Opera was the first; I prefer Firefox.

by on (#11102)
I found having lots of tabs open at the same times is anoying. But maybe I'm wrong.

by on (#11108)
Bregalad wrote:
I found having lots of tabs open at the same times is anoying. But maybe I'm wrong.

Opinions are never wrong, they are just different...

I think tabbed browsing is just great. Sure things can get out of control when you open too many of them, but they'll always be better than windows, in my opinion. N tabs will always be better than N windows, I mean.

by on (#11148)
Maybe - What's anoying is having many tabs of the SAME website. So you'll loose yourself and don't know wich ones are still usefull to you and wich one aren't.

by on (#11152)
Bregalad wrote:
What's anoying is having many tabs of the SAME website. So you'll loose yourself and don't know wich ones are still usefull to you and wich one aren't.

I close them as I read them.

by on (#11154)
another solution is to not open all links at once but just a few. read them trough, close them and open some new. ;)