This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade. View original topic
Issue with struck-out text
by DevEd on 2014-03-03 (#126320)
[s]This text should be struck out, but it doesn't work.[/s] This DOES work, for some reason. Also, why are there both "stike" and "strikeout" options if they both do the same thing?
Re: Issue with struck-out text
by thefox on 2014-03-03 (#126324)
DevEd wrote:
[s]This text should be struck out, but it doesn't work.[/s]
"Should be", according to who? As far as I know, phpBB doesn't come with strike-out tag enabled, so the "strike" and "strikeout" tags were probably added by a mod of this board at some point. No reason why "s" couldn't be added as well, though.
Re: Issue with struck-out text
by tepples on 2014-03-03 (#126325)
It doesn't does work now.
HTML5 retconned a lot of old presentational elements, such as <b>, <i>, and <hr>, to have semantic meaning. The <s> element, for example, "represents contents that are no longer accurate or no longer relevant". For example, "doesn't" above is "no longer accurate".
Re: Issue with struck-out text
by DevEd on 2014-03-04 (#126348)