which TSOP adaptor rev. is best (for SNES use)?

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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which TSOP adaptor rev. is best (for SNES use)?
by on (#106548)

Which adaptor board revision is best of the 3 different
ones avalible on buyicnow.com? I think I recall
reading that adaptor III is the prefered one correct?
I need them for burning some binaries of some
translated final fantasy images as I want to convert
my super famicom japanese versions to english. Odds are
I will buy their pre-made ones with the 29f032 already soldered
to the adaptor so I don't have to mess around with those tiny
connections. I can do it but why risk making a mess when someone
else is offering to do it for you right :)

This is the exact item I intend to get:
ST M29F032D-70N6 (TSOP Adapter III)
Item ID:P00002620


Re: which TSOP adaptor rev. is best (for SNES use)?
by on (#106550)
You want adapter 3, yeah. Adapter 2 has A20-A21 reversed, and adapter 1 you have to add the jumper on the left for VCC. Adapter 3 is the way to go, for sure.
Re: which TSOP adaptor rev. is best (for SNES use)?
by on (#106552)
getafixx wrote:
You want adapter 3, yeah. Adapter 2 has A20-A21 reversed, and adapter 1 you have to add the jumper on the left for VCC. Adapter 3 is the way to go, for sure.

awesome thanks for your input.
Re: which TSOP adaptor rev. is best (for SNES use)?
by on (#106558)
If you are programming them pre-mounted, then Type 2 and 3 are functionally identical. The swapped around address lines only matter if you are programming the 29F032 directly before soldering to the adapter.
Re: which TSOP adaptor rev. is best (for SNES use)?
by on (#106925)
If anyone is interested, I have 19 of the type 1 tsop adapters and 19 of the type 3. I think it's type 3. (Type 2 and 3 look the same to me) Anyways, I'm not going to use them ( I made my own ). They do not have the flash rom attached. It's just the pcb.
PM me if you want them. They will be cheap.
