Hi guys,
I've been working on my fx rom adapter, and I want to be able to put 3 starfox versions on 1 cartridge.
I have the famous tsop40 to 36 pin adapter integrated into my FX adapter and my question is this.
If i load all 3 game files onto the tsop40 adapter, How can I select any 1 of the 3 bank that the 3 different game codes are in?
Game 1 - ground or pull high which address lines?
Game 2 - ". "
Game 3 - ". "
And since the tsop 40 (29F032) has 4 banks, I guess I should use the last bank as well
Game 4 - ". "
A LONG time ago, I did this type of bank switching in the arcade Q*Bert days where I switched between 2 banks to switch between 2 game versions. But that was just a hi and low single line. I am guessing that I will need to toggle 2 lines? A20 and A21 ?
Thank you for any help!
The games would be starfox 1, 2, and comp weekend. 4th game not picked yet (probably stunt race) in case you are curious.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MooCcCgf ... ata_player
And another question.... Why won't starfox run on yoshi' island cartridge? Or should it?? I hear the game sounds when I try it but no picture.
EDIT: figured it out. Pulling A20 high loads 2nd bank, pulling A21 high loads 3rd bank, 1st bank is A20 &21 low, and I haven't tested this yet but I am presuming that pulling both A20&21 high will load last bank.
I am curious why starfox 2 won't run on yoshi's island cartridge but will run on doom.
And yet, yoshis island will run on the doom cart. Both are GSU-2 carts.
I plan on making a star fox trilogy where all 3 are in 1 rom and I'll have a switch that selects which one loads. It would be very cool to use the last rom bank to load a menu select screen and then depending on your selection (1,2or3) it would load that game. Only star fox 2 uses save ram and it just for score rankings only, not progress. The other 2 don't use save ram at all so not conflicts there.
Anyone up to making a menu???????? It's outta my league for sure.
I've been working on my fx rom adapter, and I want to be able to put 3 starfox versions on 1 cartridge.
I have the famous tsop40 to 36 pin adapter integrated into my FX adapter and my question is this.
If i load all 3 game files onto the tsop40 adapter, How can I select any 1 of the 3 bank that the 3 different game codes are in?
Game 1 - ground or pull high which address lines?
Game 2 - ". "
Game 3 - ". "
And since the tsop 40 (29F032) has 4 banks, I guess I should use the last bank as well
Game 4 - ". "
A LONG time ago, I did this type of bank switching in the arcade Q*Bert days where I switched between 2 banks to switch between 2 game versions. But that was just a hi and low single line. I am guessing that I will need to toggle 2 lines? A20 and A21 ?
Thank you for any help!
The games would be starfox 1, 2, and comp weekend. 4th game not picked yet (probably stunt race) in case you are curious.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MooCcCgf ... ata_player
And another question.... Why won't starfox run on yoshi' island cartridge? Or should it?? I hear the game sounds when I try it but no picture.
EDIT: figured it out. Pulling A20 high loads 2nd bank, pulling A21 high loads 3rd bank, 1st bank is A20 &21 low, and I haven't tested this yet but I am presuming that pulling both A20&21 high will load last bank.
I am curious why starfox 2 won't run on yoshi's island cartridge but will run on doom.
And yet, yoshis island will run on the doom cart. Both are GSU-2 carts.
I plan on making a star fox trilogy where all 3 are in 1 rom and I'll have a switch that selects which one loads. It would be very cool to use the last rom bank to load a menu select screen and then depending on your selection (1,2or3) it would load that game. Only star fox 2 uses save ram and it just for score rankings only, not progress. The other 2 don't use save ram at all so not conflicts there.
Anyone up to making a menu???????? It's outta my league for sure.