Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032

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Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100873)
I read all the topics looking for my anwser but...in vain.
I'm working on my next mod which is Tales of Phantasia using an original Tales Cartridge.
My two 29f032b are soldered and tested on their adapters.
Before the final soldering, I wanted to know if the weight of the splitted rom matters?
Is this going to work with 4mb for the first and 2mb for the second part of the rom if I'm using the original PCB??

Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100880)
First rom 4mb, second 2mb.
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100882)
Another weird thing about ToP is that one of the chips are wired as LO-ROM the other as HI-ROM, if I am not mistaken (that only matters if you're not using a donor cart, btw)...
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100883)
So I should be ok with the original donor card?
Thanks and by the way anyone knows what they mean about: Upper-Case and Lower-Case?
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100884)
Actually, LO-ROM means the rom is connected to the bus with address line A15 from the CPU skipped.

http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Super_NES_ ... memory_map

Because the designer can do anything what he want with the chips on the cartridge by just changing how it's connected it's possible to have multiple modes on a single cart.

But now, answering your question, if you're using a ToP cart as donor, you already have the correct circuit on the board. So it should just work.

When I made my cart I used three 27C160 chips connected in 8 bit mode so I just split the ROM into 3 16Mbit files (2MB). I also had to rewire the circuit a few times until I figured out what would make it work.

Upper and Lower usually refer to the 1st half and 2nd half of the game. On the particular case of ToP you're obligated to use two ROM chips as they're connected differently. The other solution would require a complex logic circuit to change the way the ROM is connected to the SNES while the game is running, based on where the SNES want to read the ROM. Too complex, not worth the hassle.
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100892)
I'm pretty sure he meant Low_Case in the file name of the patch. As far as I remember, there's 2 patch version, 1 with low case font and the other with upper case. This is info is listed in the read-me. It's always a good idea to read the read-me of a translation before using it, specially if you're about to make a repro of it IMO.
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100901)
You've answered my questions ;)
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100949)
This would probably explain why my crimson echoes repro on a tales cart can't save and has messed up numbers on the details screen.
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100960)
By the way there is no read-me file on the website which I've downloaded the rom...
Can someone give me a good link for Tales Latest Translation?
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100969)
The official source is always a good place to start... http://dejap.eludevisibility.org/top.php
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#100970)
Thanks for the source!
Re: Tales of Phantasia 2x29f032
by on (#101195)
Works fine...awesome game!