snes prototype

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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snes prototype
by on (#95280)
anyone know what rom is that?


3 or 4 chips with that on the label.

by on (#95328)
We'll need more info than that to identify anything.

by on (#95341)
what kind of information you need?

by on (#95344)
A good photo would be quite helpful.

by on (#95368)
Not to be rude but how exactly do you expect anyone to give you any clue on this protype with the info you gave us? We have bt32v and the fact it got 3 or 4 eprom. Post clear picture of pcb, where you go it, the circumstance in which you acquired it, what happen when you actually put it in a snes or why you can't try it. You know, anything really. Otherwise the best educated guess I can give you with the little info you gave is that it might be the 32th beta of Battletoad lol :lol:

by on (#95376)
I have a guess on the source. Might it be... this particular auction (complete with photo)? ... 35bbfac2cf

That happens to be the one with the exact same labels.

by on (#95380)
One of those carts has handwriting on one of the EPROMs that says "Boogerman", which is a commercial game from Interplay.

Another one says "Clay 2", which is almost certainly ClayFighters 2: Judgement Clay, which was another commercial title from Interplay.

The final cart only contains a partial ROM set; the main game is missing.

The handwriting, as well as the labels, on the other chips is mostly compliant with what Nintendo requires when submitting the EPROMs to Nintendo for review. That process, and what gets written on each EPROM label, is documented. I can provide that document if needed; the SNES Devkit PDFs you can find on don't contain the sheets; I have them however. :-)

EDIT: Okay, re-examining all the photos, it does look like it says BT32V. It's completely unknown what that means. It could be some internal code set that's used throughout most of their games (common routines) or common graphics. One of them has "Lo1" written on it, which obviously means LoROM, and is probably ROM #1. It wouldn't surprise me if BT32V meant something like "Been Tested, 32 {something}, Verified" or who knows what else.

If you thought any developer actually wrote coherent stuff in that field before submitting it to Nintendo, you thought wrong. Usually programmers desks were strewn with EPROMs and they simply wrote whatever on them. "Hey Dave, do you have that EPROM for Snake Wrangler Ball Busters 8 from last week? The one where there was that glitch when pressing XYAB simultaneously?" "Oh, yeah, uh, it's the one over there with a penis scribbled on it".

The EPROMs themselves appear to be 4mbit (512KBytes) in size, which makes perfect sense since a couple of the boards state "4M/8M" on them (4mbit / 8mbit, e.g. 512KBytes / 1024KBytes). The ones without labels say 27C4001, which are 4mbit chips.

I have no idea what the DIP switch on the one board does, but probably controls MODE 20 vs. 21 addressing maps, etc.. One of the boards without a DIP switch has "20MAP" silkscreened at the bottom (labelled CL3) with a solder pad, for example. DIP switches made this ordeal a lot easier on the developers and was more economical for Nintendo. The same board also has pads called CL1 and CL2, which let you select something with a value of 16, 64, or 256. Maybe they're for larger EPROMs which don't use x8 and instead something larger? Someone would have to reverse engineer the board.

The PCBs are all SNES developer boards that Nintendo used to send authorised companies when they signed up for their dev programme.

I really don't think any of that stuff is worth US$300. As usual, eBay people making bank off of stuff that really isn't worth it.

by on (#95412)
Indeed all of the carts are made by intelplay.

Here are the ones working now

Lost Vikings 2
clay fighter
Bubsy 2 pre release version
Steven Seagal the las option (UNRELEASED)

and in still working on BT32V which I believe is Black Throne also made by intelplay.

By the way these carts are not mine.

I wanted to bet on the auction but i was to late. but because the world we live in is so small. the buyer happened to live by my house.

and he actually contacted me because I was selling some repros on cragslist and asked me if i could help.

He got Clay,vikings,bubsy, and boogerman working and I gor Steven Seagal working and I fixed BT32V because It had a pin broken.

Im meeting with him today, he is going to give me another cart to test the BT32V eproms.

Ill update

by on (#95420)
You should redirect him to the board instead. It would be nice that knowledgeable people take a look at them and best way to dump them.

by on (#95422)
Well since there are already dumped roms for these games i didn't bothered mentioning the dumping.

Isnt the retrode a simpler way to dump?

by on (#95423)
So these prototype are the same revision as the proto rom available? Also, Retrode should be able to dump them otherwise good ol' trusty willem programmer will.

by on (#95424)
I have a willem but I dont know how to read back the information on the eproms.

I dont see the option on the software.

by on (#95427)
You select the correct ROM size, then click read ROM. It will then dump the contents of the ROM into the buffer, after which you will save the buffer as a file.

by on (#95430)
That's kind of why I was saying it might be better if you direct him to the forum so you don't damage anything.

by on (#95431)
Doing it right now.

is there anywhere on the code in the buffer that would tell me the which part of the rom is it? if it is the 1st or second one. etc?

by on (#95432)
Not easily. An EPROM is an EPROM. For chip ordering on multi-socket, the only thing you can go off of is what socket the chips are installed in on the PCB -- and it needs to be documented which is 0, which is 1, which is 2, etc... They are not always in linear order (all depends on PCB; some go in weird orders like 4, 0, 3, 2, 1, etc...). Sadly I don't have any documentation for these boards so I can't really help.

Here's a picture explaining how many ROMs there are per board, yadda yadda. The EPROM sockets have more pins than the SRAM sockets, so that's an easy way to determine which is which. But as I said, for the ordering, it's anyone's guess without documentation or silkscreening on the board:

EDIT: It looks like some of the boards have silkscreened orders on them. I.e. "U1 EPROM" would be the 1st ROM (assuming first in order), "U2 EPROM" would be the 2nd ROM (assuming 2nd in order), etc.. At least that's my assumption.

On the boards that only have 2 sockets for ROM (the 3rd socket is for an SRAM chip), that shouldn't be too hard to determine, as the last ROM should have some cartridge information near the end of the ROM. Addresses $FFB0 through $FFDF should contain the necessary information (see page 1-2-8 of the devkit manual I linked to in an earlier post).

by on (#95434)
SkinnyV wrote:
So these prototype are the same revision as the proto rom available?

Nobody will know until its dumped. It might be, then again it might not be. Who knows what's on the chips until they're dumped? And who's to say the EPROMs (one or more) haven't gone bad?

Someone should probably put the PCBs in their SNES first to see if any of the "games" even work -- some might be boards that are missing ROM sets (like that one PCB which only has the BT32V EPROM and nothing else with it; who knows if that's a full game or not?). If you do this, make sure you put the PCBs in correctly (I imagine its absolutely possible to put them in backwards; don't do that else risk damaging everything!)

by on (#95435)
just dumped all the files.

So I got 4 eproms

2 Read Lorom rom type af and a2.

other eprom reads High rom

and the other one reads PAL and licenced to Ajinomoto...


I got all of the other chips dumped.

and additional chips that came on the package.

if anyone is interested let me know if you want to try to fix them up.

by on (#95440)
Definitely post the file. I'm sure somebody from here will be able to fix them up. Post the file including what was written on the label of each eprom the dump came from to make it easier.

by on (#95442)
Is there any moderator that can oversee the project.

I don't want to post the files and then someone random fixing it and claiming or doing something with the rom. I want to all the people that are answering back at this thread get the credit.



Here is a pic where I compare the boogerman eprom rom and one of the BT32V roms ... arison.jpg

At the beginning of the BT32V rom 62295.bin and the rom named code there you can see:

2 APEPRM-Bakonfrte3x
2 APEPRM-Bakotfrte3x

I believe Black tape is a PAL and 62295 is a NTSC. I dont see any similarity with the blackthrone working rom.

by on (#95454)
Are any of the ROMs 8-bit roms? They'll need to be interleaved if that's the case, and it may be tricky to figure out which is even and which is odd

If you post your files, I or anyone else can look through them and see if any file operations need to be done to make them usable.

by on (#95455)
PM me.

by on (#95492)
You are missing a few chip dump, only 8 dump were provided out of 11 eprom. Since all the eprom were mixed, there is no way to do much without all the dump.
After looking at the dump a bit I found that bigithinkclay2rom4.bin is a bad dump or the chip was empty when read. blacktape.BIN and BT32V 62295.BIN contain almost 90% the same data. Also, I'm not sure what gave you the idea some eprom were from Clayfighter 2 but I can't find much similarity in data for now. We would really need the rest of the chip in order to do anything. Also, D4S might be able to help a lot providing that he has any interest at all in prototype.

Personally, I would be disappointed if I was the one having purchase those pcb.

by on (#95493)
yes I noticed that one of the clay chips had no data.

Blacktape, and Bt32V 62295.bin are bothe the same but one is pall and the other Ntsc.

The owner of the chips (i dunno if I mentioned that Im not the owner)

told me he made the Clay fighters work, but that he only got a screen up working.

the rest of the eproms are Lost Vikings 2 and he got it working.

Im missing one in the math (since I suppose that vikings is 1.0MB and only needs 2 eproms) so there is one missing.

I will meet him tonight and ask him for everything to try to redump.

by on (#95494)
SkinnyV wrote:
... Also, I'm not sure what gave you the idea some eprom were from Clayfighter 2 but I can't find much similarity in data for now. ...

Probably because I told him that earlier in this thread. One of the EPROMs (on a 2-EPROM PCB) has the handwritten text "Clay 2" on it. Of course what's written on a label doesn't necessarily reflect what's on the EPROM, or if the EPROM is even intact (i.e. might be corrupt or has gotten partially erased), or might have just been a spare EPROM laying around used for who-knows-what. But at one time, it's safe to say it probably did have some Clayfighter's 2 code on it.

by on (#95498)
koitsu wrote:
SkinnyV wrote:
... Also, I'm not sure what gave you the idea some eprom were from Clayfighter 2 but I can't find much similarity in data for now. ...

Probably because I told him that earlier in this thread. One of the EPROMs (on a 2-EPROM PCB) has the handwritten text "Clay 2" on it. Of course what's written on a label doesn't necessarily reflect what's on the EPROM, or if the EPROM is even intact (i.e. might be corrupt or has gotten partially erased), or might have just been a spare EPROM laying around used for who-knows-what. But at one time, it's safe to say it probably did have some Clayfighter's 2 code on it.

Ah, I didn't see that part of the post. I stand corrected as I had apparently skipped one of the eprom dump with a clay tag in the file name and big2romclay2.bin does match up with data from Clayfighter 2. Pichichi010, did you make multiple dump of each chip and compared the data to ensure you had a proper dump? I think it's something important to do to be sure of the dump integrity if you were using a budget programmer like a parallel willem. Also, one other curious thing is those string of text you can find in a few of the dump that Pichichi010 mentioned earlier. A quick google search reveal that the string ''EAMG RV CSG 94'' appear in what seem to be the Sonic Cracker Beta dump but I can't locate the string by myself using a good dump of the game and the one from that web site doesn't seem to load on emulator.

by on (#95521)
This guy is selling the Steven Seagal Prototype as original on Ebay but that is false.

Anyone aware of this listing as the steven seagal proto has newly burned eproms with a rom out of the web.

The Lost Viking proto he is selling, is legit from intelplay. ... 500wt_1415

by on (#95524)
IMO, it wasn't really smart of you to agree to his request of burning the proto rom since you barely knew the guy. How can someone accidentally erase a prototype eprom in a UV box for like 15 min, I mean, c'mon... And why would he own a UV eraser without owning a eprom programmer? Also, if you try to contact the seller, you get : ''We're sorry we couldn't find an answer for you. Unfortunately, this seller is not able to respond to your question. We suggest reviewing the item again to see if your answer is in the seller's listing.''

Why don't you try to tell him you had an issue with the programmer and there's good chance part of the dump is corrupted and to bring it back to you to correct it. Then you erase the eprom and your burn a rom that will display a message on screen when he'll try it saying it's bad to rip people off on ebay;) That would be so awesome if you would pull it off. I bet he'll do it again with some of the proto board he found. I saw a dozen of sega genesis prototype pcb on ebay for dirt cheap a few month ago and remember thinking how that it would be used to pull that kind of crap.

Edit: Since Pichichi010 decided to cover his ass and hide his recent stupid act by editing his post and removing info, here's what happened. That guy who bought the proto on ebay told him he owned a Steven Segal: The Final option SNES prototype but ''accidentally'' erased all 4 (that's right people, 4 chips that accidentally got removed from their respective IC sockets, then accidentally got left in a powered UV eraser for at least 15 to 20 min :roll: ) and asked him if he could burn back the prototype rom onto the cart to keep as collector item for himself. Of course, a few days after he agreed the guy listed the prototype as genuine for sale on ebay.

by on (#95525)
Yes it was a bit dumb of my part. He said he bought an eprom programmer and a uv light box to fix the steven seagal proto. Proto i was to intrigued by BT32v eproms to begin wiith. Honest mistake.

I whish i could program a snes rom saying that lol. I guess i should stop trusting ppl to much. Anyway i reported the auction and post it on cause there are a lot of proto colectors there that might try to bid. Oh well cant much about it now.

Now lets try to salvage these roms to see what games are in them

by on (#95526)
Dude, what is up with you? You don't know what you're doing, why are you trying to do anything? What does anything mattter to you? Do you collect? Want to make games? Either one of those you seem to be doing everything wrong.

by on (#95527)
Seriously, try to scare him saying you had an issue with 2 of the address line of your programmer and all the dump you made and the chip you programmed have a bit of corruption. Since he's got his listing on ebay already he will be too scared to have the sale messed up and might bring the rom to be programmed again. You don't have much to lose. You could fix your mistake in an hilarious way imo.

by on (#95528)
Habk you skinnyv i wi do that. And thanks for not bashin on the matter as 3gengames. I already awared all you all about the fake proto.and i will delete the fake proto info out of the post and will concentrate on getting the roms to work.

Oh yeah and 3gengames, if im doing stuff, good or wrong, im doing much mure than you. If you dont have at least constructive critisism to say. Don't say anything and go troll your friends on reddit.

by on (#95529)
Don't delete the fake proto info, it's good that it's there. I also made a warning thread on assemblers game pointing to that thread. While I agree with 3gengames that what you did was a very stupid and you didn't put too much thought into it, there is no point of saying more as it is already done.

by on (#95530)
Pichi, you're the one trying to hire people to make a game, but acting like a 5 year old with !!!URGENT!!! after messages and garbage. I also don't have SNES programming experience, but I am one of the people here that do have the skills to do something, I've got 1 full NES game and a few test ROMS under my belt more than you, so what have you brought to the table since you're doing much more than me? I'd love to see it. I'm not trolling, I'm just saying you have no idea what you're doing.

by on (#95531)
Pichichi010, why did you edit and delete all the info about you burning the proto rom for the scammer and the fake proto auction?! It make the thread impossible to understand for people that just came in and also, I told you I had made a warning post on another forum that was pointing here, now it just look stupid. God

I'm annoyed, you even managed to make your warning post at nintendo age confusing for some people. With one reply from one of their member saying ''Man that sucks! I'm not a big proto guy but a Steven Seagal proto? I'm in :D '' Why don't you clearly state the name of the proto in the subject title of your post, then clearly explain that the guy asked you to burn eprom with the proto rom on it, that you were stupid enough to think he was legit and did as he asked without thinking much about the implication, he then slapped them on a proto board and sell it as the genuine Final Option PCB. I think that you're almost generating publicity for the guy with the confusing post you made and the fact that you removed the original content from that thread. And on top of that you are replying to your thread asking to make the post private? What the hell?

You made a big stupid mistake, now handle it properly instead of piling up more crap on the mess you created :roll: Continue acting that way and I reckon you won't find anymore people willing to answer your post or help you with anything here. I know at least I and some other already won't be helping you with anything NAND flash, repro or eprom related anytime soon.

Edit: OMG, you're reaching new height Pachichi010, why did you delete all the text in your Nintendo Ages warning post?! I really can't believe all the moronic decision you're making.

by on (#95532)
Alright I think that's about enough (damn I sound like a parent, haha). The bloke admitted he was stupid, he gets it. Don't ask me why he edited his post; I edit my posts all the time (usually seconds after I post them, I'm horrible about detecting typos/mistakes until AFTER I've clicked post, hahaha).

Regardless, *I* can't even follow what's going on in this thread any longer. *laugh* :-) As such, and given that people are kinda frustrated, I'm going to lock this one down. Sorry guys.