I am unable to get Pilotwings to work on my PowerPak. Boot ROM version is v1.02, Card ROM is v1.05, and the CF card that I am using is a 2GB Dane Elec card that I ordered along with the PowerPak from RetroUsb. I've read on these forums and other forums that Pilotwings works when loaded from other CF cards. Is there a reason why the game's compatibility would be affected by the CF card that it is loaded from?
Ca you load other games from the CF card and run them?
Does Super Mario Kart work? It uses the same coprocessor as Pilotwings.
Try using the PilotWings alternate/modified dump that runs in HiROM configuration. All DSP1 games are HiROM except for PilotWings. If it is the only game that doesn't work then that is probably the problem.
Super Mario Kart works, as does every other game that I tried. I also tried the alternate/modified dump of Pilotwings that runs in HiROM configuration. It did not work. Supposedly the way to get Pilotwings to work is to try another compact flash card. I just wanted to know what this was the case.
That makes no sense at all. The PowerPak copies the game to a RAM before running it, doesn't it? So there's no reason why one particular game would fail to run based on the CF card that was used. If the PowerPak has trouble with some CF cards (which is entirely possible) then a lot of games should fail to run.
It worked first try for me, with Dane CF from Retrozone. I used non-modified ROM.
I get a screen saying loading ROM, then a screen with a bunch of technical stuff, then a blank screen for 10-15 seconds then the game plays fine. Are you shutting it off too early?
It gets stuck on the "copying BRAM" step. Of course, I am playing this on an FC-16 Go (portable SNES clone). My real SNES systems are packed up, but I'll test on them this weekend.
I tried using an older 512MB Lexar Compact Flash card, but Pilotwings still didn't start up correctly. However, I disabled DMA in the PowerPak's config, and then tried again with the Lexar Compact Flash card. This time it worked perfectly. So I tried to disable DMA with the Dane Elec card, but it did not work.
It is strange because it seems as though the Dane Elec card works with all of the other games. However, Pilotwings only seems to work with the Lexar card.
That's interesting. I am also an idiot again for not reading before posting.
So the SNES powerpak works in clone systems? Coolieo.
Yeah, the SNES Powerpak works in clone systems, but compatibility issues can come up when using clone systems and certain kinds of Compact Flash cards.