Project SNES

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Project SNES
by on (#65864)
OK, as you may or may not know, I'm making a homebrew game for the Mega Drive called Project MD. It's just some generic platforms game. What am I doing talking about this here then? Well, you probably know about the whole console wars deal back in the day, so I was wondering, wouldn't it be possible for somebody in the SNES homebrew community to make a Project SNES? (yes, I'm actually asking for competition)

As you can imagine, the idea for Project SNES is to be the counterpart of Project MD, so basically it should try to be somewhat similar. Project MD is a platforms game, and it's set in a virtual world, so you'll probably want to have Project SNES be something along those lines too.

Now, though, some rules, so we can play on an even field:
  • Don't use code you aren't legally allowed to use (e.g. code borrowed from commercial games).
  • Avoid referencing Nintendo explicitly. "SNES" is the most you can do. This also means no Mario cameos and such.
  • Actually, avoid anything that's illegal, period.
  • Must be able to work on real hardware. Basically, don't rely on emulator bugs.
  • Don't use custom chips (this includes extra processors or memory).
  • As an exception to the above, you can include extra memory for storing savegames and settings.
  • Don't require add-ons. Also, it must provide support for the standard controller (d'oh!).
  • Both SlowROM and FastROM are OK. Use whatever fits you.
  • Don't use bank switching, stick to what the standard SNES memory mapping provides you.
  • Abusing the SNES hardware itself to do crazy things is OK.
  • Compressing data is OK too... although please avoid very noticeable loading times, they suck x_X
  • I currently have no plans of referencing Project SNES from my game, so I guess it should be like that the other way as well. If anything, contact me in case such a cross reference is wanted.
  • Yes, you can make a team to develop this game, no need to be a single person. If you do, though, make sure you have somebody who actually does the duties of a leader. I've seen other projects get stuck because they don't have somebody to impose the final decisions...

If you need to ask anything, post here and I'll try to reply whenever I can.

So, is anybody out there willing to do it?

by on (#65868)
It's not Snes, but i'm developing for a Handheld called "Dingoo a320". Your project md looks cool. Maybe i could port it?

by on (#65874)
I really have to get out of the habbit of taking advantage of hardware, and make a more relaxed game.

by on (#65880)
If anyone here is able to do it that's psycopathicteen, he has shown some very interesting SNES demos.

I work with the NES only (well, with the Atari 2600 too, but there's absolutely no hope of it running a platformer like this), and most of the concepts in Project MD seem doable on the NES. There would be some flickering because of the wide moving platforms (which would probably have to be shortened a bit) and something would have to be done about the parallax backgrounds (a lot of it could be faked with CHR bankswitching), but aside from that I see no serious problems.

by on (#65883)
Tempted, but I'm in way over my head with projects right now. :(

Very nice looking game, though!
Reminds me of the Battletoads in Battlemaniacs bonus stages.

by on (#65905)
Cool project. Be sure to let us know when you complete it or release any demos.

by on (#65909)
Heinz2001 wrote:
It's not Snes, but i'm developing for a Handheld called "Dingoo a320". Your project md looks cool. Maybe i could port it?

Er, not to be mean, but the whole point of Project MD is to have it run on the Mega Drive XD (in a similar deal, the whole point of having a Project SNES would be to have it run on a SNES).

psycopathicteen wrote:
I really have to get out of the habbit of taking advantage of hardware, and make a more relaxed game.

Don't get fooled, Project MD started as a generic thing to fill my boredom times, and started very lame (I mean, look at this level). Then I did some silly wire made out of several sprites for the sake of it (seen also on that level). Then eventually it blown out of proportion with the background for this (yes, that's four parallax layers on a system that should be able to pull off only two, and excuse the crappy quality, it was the first video)...

The best of all is that despite all this crazy stuff, I can assure you, the VDP can do even much better graphics. And I'm not talking about demoscene here, I'm talking about something feasible from within a game.

tokumaru wrote:
I work with the NES only (well, with the Atari 2600 too, but there's absolutely no hope of it running a platformer like this), and most of the concepts in Project MD seem doable on the NES. There would be some flickering because of the wide moving platforms (which would probably have to be shortened a bit) and something would have to be done about the parallax backgrounds (a lot of it could be faked with CHR bankswitching), but aside from that I see no serious problems.

OK, I was gonna say that recreating the 3D background on the NES would have been tough, but coming to think on it, actually it's very feasible (assuming you can bank switch into arbitrary tile arrangements). I wonder if it'd be possible to get it within CHR-ROM limits, though. I guess that lots of mid-screen bank switching would have to take place.

There are other levels that could be a pain, though. There are many more levels than the ones shown publicly. For example, one level has a plasma effect as a background (yes, demoscene-like plasma).

by on (#65910)
Sik wrote:
Heinz2001 wrote:
It's not Snes, but i'm developing for a Handheld called "Dingoo a320". Your project md looks cool. Maybe i could port it?

Er, not to be mean, but the whole point of Project MD is to have it run on the Mega Drive XD (in a similar deal, the whole point of having a Project SNES would be to have it run on a SNES).

I don't get the point, sorry ;-). Whats the point of have it run on MD or SNES and not an Handheld?

by on (#65919)
That the whole idea was to have a new game for that specific console, basically, not to just make a homage.

by on (#65920)
If anyone wants to, with a touch of mukunda's SNESMod, I could make the music for these games. Just let me know what to make. ^_^

by on (#65942)
Heinz2001 wrote:
I don't get the point, sorry ;-). Whats the point of have it run on MD or SNES and not an Handheld?

Why wouldn't it run on that handheld? It has a genesis emulator, correct? (Unless the emulator is terrible of course.) You're gonna ask on a forum that makes games for old consoles why we don't develop for handhelds? :D Getting stuff to work on real hardware with stupid gotchas is half the fun!

Slightly more on topic, one day I'll probably get into SNES dev (and even Genesis dev), but it will probably be a while from now, after my current NES game is released. Even though I'd most likely make a platformer, I wouldn't like to call it Project SNES or limit myself based on those rules solely to compete with you. Your competition could be ANY homebrew SNES game, but I've only seen one that seems sufficiently developed around to compete with you.

You project seem quite advanced. You made this post just now, and anyone who wants to compete with you has to work a lot faster just to catch up to where you are in development. Even if I knew some SNES coding and was making a Tetris game right now, I'd have to drop that and start something entirely new, just for the sake of competition. I wouldn't see much point. :?

by on (#65943)
I could work on a second homebrew game just as long as I don't make it as complicated technical wise than the game I've been working on so far.

My first game I made the mistake of NOT using a metatile system, causing me to program every tile in by hand. To make development faster, I'm clipping the far 8 pixels left and right sides of the screen, since it's easier to implement scrolling that way.

by on (#65957)
Kasumi wrote:
Slightly more on topic, one day I'll probably get into SNES dev (and even Genesis dev), but it will probably be a while from now, after my current NES game is released. Even though I'd most likely make a platformer, I wouldn't like to call it Project SNES or limit myself based on those rules solely to compete with you. Your competition could be ANY homebrew SNES game, but I've only seen one that seems sufficiently developed around to compete with you.

With that criteria, I already have some competition on the MD ground itself (especially Pier Solar, but there are some other projects surfacing too). I'm not talking here about having a SNES homebrew project just for the sake of it, I'm talking about one that's basically the polar opposite of Project MD (thereby, "Project SNES").

psycopathicteen wrote:
I could work on a second homebrew game just as long as I don't make it as complicated technical wise than the game I've been working on so far.

Pulseman looks amazing to lots of people, but from the technical viewpoint it's so pathetically simple that even Genecyst can run it 100% perfect with the default settings. It's more of a matter of how it looks, not what it actually does.

by on (#65971)
Screw metatiles. I'll just use the Snes's 16x16 tile mode and nobody would even know the difference.

by on (#66011)
My new background updating code is working already. Anybody who wants to join me can.