SMC Format

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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SMC Format
by on (#61007)
Hi im planning to (try) to make a snes emulator and get into the snes world.
Does anyone has recommendations?

By the way I haven't found much info on the smc file format. Where can i get info?

thanks in advance

by on (#61009)

Other stuff that may be of interest to read:

by on (#61024)
Here is a through covering of a SWC header, which has some cross over:

Plus many other related documents:

by on (#61025)
Ok thanks!! very much

by on (#61042)
You should probably ignore the SMC/SWC header and use the imbedded cartridge information if valid. If not valid you may need to make the "best guess" for things. Copier headers usually don't contain all that great of information and lots of people's ROM sets have many ROMs with no header despite being called .smc files.

by on (#61050)
That's one thing that's potentially confusing right from the start: what is often referred to as the SNES header is the embedded information at $7FC0/$FFC0. What's a good name for it? It's not a header, since it's not at the head of the file.

by on (#61055)
"Headers" that are not at the beginning of files are usually called "descriptors", aren't they?