swap srams making repro

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swap srams making repro
by on (#55698)
hi every one.
first post here. :oops:

I'm sorting out things to do by myself a repro of Fushigi no Dungeon 2 since i loved the game i 'd like to play it again on the actual hardware.

So i bought a loose FND 2 cart

to make a much more easy and clean job i considered to swap the huge sram to a cart like this one (that have two place to fit eprom)
is that possible?

boths game are hirom and the final cart would have 4 8megabit m27c801 epromz
2 epromz per side

by on (#55728)
It is possible I imagine. But it would probably make more sense to use a single 27C322 with some other chips to replace the original maskrom on the original cartridge instead. The ROMLAB site had stuff about swapping SRAM chips but there could be errors in the diagrams, I have no idea. If you just want to play the game, a Tototek or MashMods flash cartridge would be a much more simple and useful solution to playing it on real hardware. Building repros is relatively expensive compared to a reusable device like a Flash Cartridge, PowerPAK, or old style Copier unit.

by on (#55760)
yeah i know.
in fact when i got all the money togheter i'll definitley buy the power pak

here is just for fun.

I checked NintendoAllStar and the pinouts seem to differ. :cry:
so maybe it needs some kind of rewire to work properly.

>The eprom you suggested if i remeember correctly is a 16bit wide bus eprom isn't it?

by on (#55845)
yeah the m27c322 is a 16 bit eprom... not all eprom programmer support this type, so look carefully!

@ mottzilla..

why are you always talk about the flashcarts?
poeple come here to ask questions about repro´s NOT wich flashcart is the best!
in every answer you saying:
it looks worse... easier to use a flashcart and so on..
are you rewarded from the manufacturer?

sorry, its pissing me a little off..

if someone wants to build a repro, HE WANTS TO BUILD A REPRO!
and not putting a game on a silly flashcart for idiots, who are
noobs in soldering and so.

dont misunderstand me, the flashcarts are the best
for developing, but for playing? no dont think so..
you never get the right feeling by playing with a

if you ask in a forum for cars... how to tune up my chevy... and
someone always says: why tune up, buy a lamborghini, its easier!
that is totally stupid!

sorry for that, but it has to be said.

by on (#55858)
I understand your point but I want to remind you that it is a dev forum: not "help me bootleg my game" one. Motzilla is not rewared by any manufacturers or anything. It just that many beginners comes for making repro just to play their games when the easier way is a copier, flash cart or something similar. Often they are not aware of that and the investment in the hardware you need to make that repro is a lot more than that flash cart/copier.

A flash card is the same thing as a repro: it is a cart that contain a game on eeprom. The advantage it that it can have any games at any time. From a hardware point of view, it does the same thing so your point about "not the same thing" is moot. From a hardware point of view, it is the same thing, the rest is in your head.

Sorry to be rude but this attitude piss me off too. Recently this board as been flooded with many request about repro because it seems to be trendy or something. Motzilla is just making sure to make people realize that there is other alternative to repro so he's doing nothing wrong.

Sorry again. End of my rant.

by on (#55881)
Thanks Banshaku. That is what I'm doing. I'm just pointing out the facts and sharing my opinion. There are people that repros appeal to, such as people with a sort of collectors attitude where they like to have their own built cartridges in some collection, and then there is the unsympathetic group that build repros in hopes to sell them for profit.

For the average gamer, or really any gamer, the flash cartridges and copiers are a much better investment. The cost of a EPROM programmer and parts quickly will become more than most alternatives. A classic Copier can be obtained for as little as $30 pretty easily. Prices will vary but they will certainly be less than even a decent EPROM programmer. It's also important to consider the labor involved in building repros. If you are a gamer, and just want to play a game, solutions like flash cartridges, Powerpak, and copiers are for you. There is little difference playing on a bootleg cartridge, copier, flashcart, or powerpak. You may think so but for the stand point of playing the game it is the same.

Also as Banshaku pointed out, this is not a "help me bootleg games" forum. Also I don't see how you can call Flash Carts for idiots. Do you think that soldering and building bootlegs is hard? It's not. It is however quite tedious. It seems to me as I made the point before, repro bootlegs are for two purposes only. People that like to build a collection of homemade bootlegs, and people that hope to profit from selling them.

by on (#55899)
[quote="heiopeio"]yeah the m27c322 is a 16 bit eprom... not all eprom programmer support this type, so look carefully!
yeah i supposed that.
so in that case i need a way to split the bus since the pcb can only accept 8 bit if i rememeber correctly.
i guess placing 4 m27c801 epromz plus decoder is a much easier solution for me.

for yours discussion
i guess, since is a dev forum, that questions like mine are a little bit on the edge of topic so i understand your point of view.

but sure i don't need to do repro with the intention of selling
there's a lot of work and time (that i don't hav) to spent into .
no one can profit from them unless you sell the carts for 100$and more (it's a theft)

making a repro is in the most of case a way to give a real body (??my broken english) to games that only living on the pc or flash cart (i'm talking about unrealeased or games never translated)
(cause there's a pleasure owning something that really doesn't exist... :arrow: gay)

anyway.. i repeat flash cart.. and in particular way Powerpak are sure what someone to just play the games needs
and i'll buy one for sure.

but noone has clearfied the swap sram things

so i'm at starting point.

btw there's this easy solution: [img]http://snesdev.romhack.de/som2_step3.jpg[/img]

by on (#55927)
There is a diagram detailed on this forum, I'm not sure where exactly, about hooking up a 16 bit EPROM to a SNES cartridge by using I think 3 simple logic chips to handle decoding. In my opinion it seems easier than fitting 4 of the 8 megabit eproms in and wiring the decoder chip up.

With the SRAM swap, I've heard you can swap a 2KB for a 8KB chip, and ROMLAB has some sort of guide on it. But I don't know about anything else.

by on (#55928)
oh .. yeah i remember that..
i was stuck on not working status..
i have to rechek the thread.
thanks to pointed it out.. i forgot.