Forever my @$$. Section 10 of the GNU GPL explicitly leaves works open to the possibility of dual-licensing; the "How to Apply" section even requests that authors add contact information in order to negotiate a dual license.
Ok, so either a) the original author has to grant you this dual-license (which is apparently a cardinal sin to free software to have to ask permission for something), or b) one can just dual-license to whatever they want and the GPL fails in its' goal to ensure the license rules apply forever. And if the GPL still applies under a dual-license, then the secondary license doesn't really mean much, since it cannot grant new developer freedoms (eg the right to release without source, include proprietary code, etc). Either the second license allows new freedoms and can circumvent the GPL, or it exists only to add additional restrictions.
Permissive licenses, such as the zlib license, the BSD licenses, and the X11 license, are still free software licenses.
And again, all of my software, excluding bsnes, is public domain, which is in my opinion the closest you can get to free software.
That you can't respect my wishes for something I spent two years working on and want to call it by obnoxious terms such as `non-free' and `proprietary' and pass that around as fact, when in reality these are just made up definitions and opinions of the words by a collective mouthpiece, is quite distressing.
Any virtual machine that fails Sun's test suite cannot be labeled as "Java" without risking a trademark infringement lawsuit from Sun. You too can claim common law service mark rights for the name "bsnes".
So what exactly happened with Microsoft and Java, again? Was that how Sun finally got them to stop distributing Java? Too bad it didn't work before Microsoft successfully dilluted their brand name :/
In fact, I have envisioned a scheme where an emulator back-end would be a separate dynamically linked module that takes a ROM and a sequence of control inputs and produces a sequence of video frames and audio samples.
As do I. In fact, I envision an entire new operating system based around innovation, rather than stringent security. You know, for people who want to innovate rather than protect corporate assets.
The idea would be an OS where every process has complete transparent control of other processes. If you need to manually grant this permission for some level of security, fine.
Now, say someone writes a text editor. You don't like the way it handles \r\n, but don't want to modify the existing project's sources, or they may not be available for some reason (maybe they were lost). No problem, write a program that launches the original program, and then hooks into it's window handler, and overrides keyboard presses sent to the textbox widget, and override what happens when the enter key is pressed.
Even on Windows, you can't touch any process handles that don't belong to yours, you can only send them messages and hope the developers listen to them. In my ideal OS, you could build one application out of many smaller applications, adding in your own glue code. No need to edit sources, you have full access to any resources from another application. In fact, you could even link against a running process and call its' functions yourself for the purposes of inter-procses communication.
The ultimate goal would be a system where you only have to write the same thing one time, period. And this goes way beyond shared libraries. You should be able to build on top of smaller building blocks all the way up to combining hundreds of full fledged applications into one unified project. It's easier in theory than in practice to do, but I believe it is quite possible.
It's basically your idea of source code "freedom", but applied to the entire OS, running applications included.
Users who intend to use the software in the course of running their business certainly care whether a program is open source because it means they're not restricted to a single source of customization services.
Corporate users who have a business need to play my SNES emulator are free to modify the source code as necessary. Just not to release those changes publically without asking me first.
So you're a fan of permissive licensing.
Yes, and GPL is not. I cannot take a GPL app, change it, and release it as public domain. Not dual-licensed, as purely public domain.
My opinion is that libraries and code you would like others to use should be public domain. Your own personal hobby project that you devote years of your life to, I can understand the authors wanting more control over that process. Nobody wants to compete against their own forked project and watch their userbase split in half; or in the case of Xfree86, completely vanish.
Unless you negotiate a dual license with the author, you can't use the implementation of Scale2x in your project ...
What?! I have to ask someone? That's preposterous! I should be able to relicense it without asking anyone! What if I don't speak that developer's language? What if he objects to my reasons for wanting to relicense it? What if he dies / disappears? The GPL is clearly a non-free and proprietary license in this case.
Again, this is why these absolute terms presented as fact are terrible. They only serve to condemn others with differing viewpoints. Not
wrong viewpoints, merely differing. It's zealotry to use the terms presented
Under some circumstances, LGPL is fine. Mozilla Firefox is LGPL (along with MPL), and so is OpenOffice.org.
Alright, I'm a fan of LGPL code, myself. Distributing only the code you used and changes to it is hardly unreasonable; neither for the developer nor the end user.
I'll say "bsnes grants developer freedom, albeit with limitations that may cause trouble in some cases".
I could add plenty of "albeit" clauses to GPL software, too. Or I could just be respectful to the author and say it grants user freedoms.
And it looks like Linspire's cnr.com is just what ESR asked for.
I'll have to look into that further, thanks.
No. Some freedom is better than no freedom. I was just pointing out that you aren't the only one who holds alternative views of freedom.
Then apparently you and Chris Allegretta disagree. I've never said my views on freedom weren't an opinion. In fact, I'm not the one goind around posting that other peoples' programs are proprietary and advocating the gnu.org viewpoint that said programs should not be used.
You claim that when you finish bsnes you will relinquish all rights under copyright. Have you specified this in writing anywhere, such as in your
last will just in case you pass away before bsnes is where you want it?
To be quite frank: if I die, what happens to bsnes is the last of my concerns :P
It's also kind of hard to prove that I've died. I could just have lost internet connectivity for a while. I'll unfortunately have to take my chances that bsnes will be discontinued before I die, and hope that you'd care more about my life than about what happens to my source code when I die :P