Does anyone have backups of the cherryroms froum ? There was so much
good info in the console backup section and it would be a shame if that was forever lost! Who was administrating it anyway?
(sorry if this is a bit off-topic ..)
Yes there was lots of useful info in the hardware forum, but there was lots of redundant garbage too (partially my resonsibility). It would be nice to have the forum data rehosted somewhere in a read-only, searchable format. Maybe NesDev could obtain it and host it, again, in a searchable read-only format?
Yes this is a NES site, but the Snes has to be closely related enough to deserve a little spot over there in the corner.
Indeed, there was a poor signal to noise ratio. But there is nowhere else where most of the information exists.
Someone should get the forum database and (assuming its not in some really weird format) put up the important parts in a read-only archived sub-forum.
well does anyone know the admin of cherryroms ?
Why not try to start a new forum with even better information? 99% of Cherryroms threads were basic FAQs, a new forum could be so much more. If I had hosting I'd immediately put up a copier phpBB2.
You are right.. Well I could ask a friend of mine who has some servers
but I chances are rather slim on this..
Maybe could host such boards? Putting a general copier
section in here would be a bit far off I suppose, but maybe on an extra
site ? admins? :-)
It doesn't seem to me that copiers (not to mention the piracy that accompanies them) fits with parodius' mission.
A flash programmer plus a cart board modified to take socketed flash is a copier. Without it, one cannot really test homebrew.
This is true but boards revolving around copiers, not homebrew, never attract homebrew, only piracy. With piracy comes a void of interesting discussion since the vast majority of the members join solely to learn how to operate their hardware.
kyuusaku wrote:
This is true but boards revolving around copiers, not homebrew, never attract homebrew, only piracy.
Never? I can think of at least one major exception:
Pocket Heaven Discussion Boards and
PHWiki discuss the use of GBA and DS copier hardware for both homebrew and piracy.
With piracy comes a void of interesting discussion since the vast majority of the members join solely to learn how to operate their hardware.
Frequently asked questions about copiers are best answered in a wiki.
kyuusaku's arguments are probably correct. Such a forum would
attract lots of people seeking for answers on their warez/gaming
issues. Certainly that is not what I, or anyone of you would want.
Question is if/how that could be avoided or limited ? Removing
unwanted topics and banning users might work, but that would
require quite some dedication from an admin I suppose.
Bah.. can't think straight .. 03:27am.. off to bed
Still: l it would be really nice if a new forum could be started. I'd be
willing to help
Cherryroms used to have stickied FAQ threads but that for the most part didn't help. If a thread two inches from their own was too hard to find, I'm not sure how they'll make their way to a wiki.
Pocket Heaven still isn't primarily a copier oriented board, what I had in mind were boards such as the late Cherryroms, late Red #9, Success-HK forums, Tototek board, for the most part Dextrose, Generation X V64 forum and some smaller boards which have a even harder time keeping discussion legal and remotely interesting.
PDP-13 wrote:
Indeed, there was a poor signal to noise ratio. But there is nowhere else where most of the information exists.
Someone should get the forum database and (assuming its not in some really weird format) put up the important parts in a read-only archived sub-forum.
I agree. Unforunately, there were some great things that people have reverse-engineered over time that I forgot to save or summarize in a text file for myself. So there is a lot of great info that is basically lost (to me at least) right now.
kyuusaku wrote:
If I had hosting I'd immediately put up a copier phpBB2.
I have excess hosting space (and bandwidth) at the moment. So I'd be willing to host a backup of cherryroms (if someone knows who to ask for it), as well as hosting a new forum if you'd like.
I use a lot of forums, but I know little to nothing about how to start one successfully and manage it so it stays so. But I'd be willing to try. Kyuusaku, if you are really interested in starting such a board, let me know and maybe we can get one going.
I never really visited there, so I don't know much about it. There's only one page I could find in
Google cache. There are a couple of email addresses and an AIM name you can see on that page. Not sure if any of them would know who to contact, but it's worth a shot I guess. I really don't think any of them were admin or mods on there, as it looks like there was just a bunch of arguing on that thread.
well I think getting a backup of cherryroms would be a "bonus". But
starting a new forum would be much nicer anyhow :)
any progress on this ? :)
gilligan wrote:
any progress on this ?
As for getting a backup of cherryroms, I don't know how to contact Recoil.
Does anyone know how to get ahold of him?
As for starting new forums, I'm trying to decide
1) What I want out of them
2) What others may want out of them
3) How to guide the forums to meet those goals
4) Maybe a name for the forums? (so people can easily refer to it)
I toyed with the idea of getting a domain name as well, but I probably will just throw it all on my personal site since I've only been really using it for file storage so far. If things take off, I'll get a better domain name later (unless someone can think of a great one right now, then I'll reconsider).
I own which I always wanted to turn into something game hacking/emulation related (with a subtitle "the site for emu elation").
I'm not sure if I want to give it up, but you should come up with something punny like that...
neviksti wrote:
gilligan wrote:
any progress on this ? :)
As for getting a backup of cherryroms, I don't know how to contact Recoil.
Does anyone know how to get ahold of him?
As for starting new forums, I'm trying to decide
1) What I want out of them
2) What others may want out of them
3) How to guide the forums to meet those goals
4) Maybe a name for the forums? (so people can easily refer to it)
I toyed with the idea of getting a domain name as well, but I probably will just throw it all on my personal site since I've only been really using it for file storage so far. If things take off, I'll get a better domain name later (unless someone can think of a great one right now, then I'll reconsider).
1: That I don't know :)
2: As for myself, I'd like to have a place to chat about copier related stuff. Preferably with as little emu-gaming-drivel as possible :) I think a small
file section would also be nice. There are lots of text files 'in the wild' but
no central place that stores them. Just the other day someone on irc asked
me about some text document on the MAD-1 that he had seen "somewhere"... Or take the description of the swc internals- Many different
versions. Most faulty or lacking some bits. Long story short: Would be nice
to collect them at a central place.
3: I think there should be several active admins that will kill unwanted
threads quickly to keep the forums "clean"
4: Just some brainstorming,.
copier hacking hideout ( CHH )
ccc - console copier center
REP - reverse engineering plaza
REtendo (stupid.. limited to nintendo..)
hm, well, no jaw-dropping ideas but that's all I
can come up with right now.
By the way, what sections should the forums have?
Heres a solution:
use domain, and/or host the forum on
(you will need a DB probably MySQL, an some kinda Apache + PHP softwarey thingy and most likely root level access to said server to install some forum software and configure it, how hard can it be?)
Assuming that someone can GET a dump of the DB for cherryroms,
#1. Make a new Forum;
Put in a part for Hardware/Software information (for Developers/Tinkerers/Other interested parties)
Put in a part for New users, informational and heavily moderated (lots of stickies: 'How do I do XYZ?' type stuff)
#2. Take the dump of Cherry roms and add it to a READ-ONLY forum, which can be linked to from the main forum and if need be; REALLY popular topics imported into the main forum.
(#2. Will probably involve FAR more than cut'n'paste but I think it can be done, with some help. I could provide assistance with what little I know about forums, ect...)
Of course there may need to be some things worked out,
(old accounts? revive em or lock 'em down, Images and Attachments?, PM's? ect...)
Actually The primary thing we should be aiming for is a raw dump of the textual part of the DB. Other stuff like user accounts or attachments should be a lower priority. Unless there were some important techical documents attached, then they may be needed as well.
PDP-13 wrote:
Heres a solution:
use domain, and/or host the forum on
(you will need a DB probably MySQL, an some kinda Apache + PHP softwarey thingy and most likely root level access to said server to install some forum software and configure it, how hard can it be?)
No offense, but I think sounds as appropriate for the
intended forum as ... :)
Greetings. I'm rather new to this forum, although I've been lurking for a little while now. I'd take on this project if no one else has finished it yet, both as a backup of cherryroms and for a new copier-centered forum. I own my own server and use it to host my group's development website as well as some commercial sites as well. The server is quite robust and secure, with plenty of space, bandwidth, and features to share. If a name can be agreed upon, I'll purchase the domain for it and have it set up in very little time, plus I'd be more than willing to admin the forum and assign admin powers to those who are deemed worthy by the members of this forum. However, I do not use phpBB due to its penchant for security problems, I use SMF exclusively.
Opinions welcome.
Nodtveidt wrote:
Greetings. I'm rather new to this forum, although I've been lurking for a little while now. I'd take on this project if no one else has finished it yet, both as a backup of cherryroms and for a new copier-centered forum. I own my own server and use it to host my group's development website as well as some commercial sites as well. The server is quite robust and secure, with plenty of space, bandwidth, and features to share. If a name can be agreed upon, I'll purchase the domain for it and have it set up in very little time, plus I'd be more than willing to admin the forum and assign admin powers to those who are deemed worthy by the members of this forum. However, I do not use phpBB due to its penchant for security problems, I use SMF exclusively.
Opinions welcome.
Sounds good to me Nodtveidt (how the **** am I supposed to prnounce that? :)
There hasn' been much action in this thread for a while, but I'd suggest that you
just go ahead. Once there is something up and running ppl should get interested I
As for the naming - Given that you would set up / host everything etc it'd be up to
you to pick a name aswell imho. In the end it doesn't matter that much anyhow. I mean,
"cherryroms" - that didn't exactly sound great either did it? :)
I will do what I can within the next 48 hours.
How does "copyhell" sound?
Nodtveidt wrote:
How does "copyhell" sound?
"hell" being the opposite of pocketheaven?
Well, if no one objects, "copyhell" it is.
I don't like the name, but I've forgotten the clever one I had thought up...
The name needs to be simple, easy to remember and have NO DASHES.
a name like:
Thought about the forum layout?
General Help
General Discussion
-R.E. (Experts only)
-Cherryroms (assuming it ever becomes available)
Unfortunately, I have lacked the time lately to set this up but this week I should be able to do it, provided my wife lets me borrow the credit card.
copycon? I'll check it out. Sounds decent. If any other names come to mind, spill 'em. is purchased but now comes the waiting period for DNS changes. I'll modify my local hosts file to get the forum set up and running so it will be ready to go once the changes clear.
EDIT: So far so is set up, but will take a lil bit to get it configured completely. It's too late at night to do it right now though...goodnight.
Any problems you run into, don't hesitate to bug me.
EDIT2: Also, if y'all could make some suggestions for the ruleset for this new place, it'd be much appreciated.
Could you post the IP, some DNS propagations take days and days...
Sounds good!.
Well I do ofcourse have a full backup of the Cherryroms forums, basically they were taken down as the phpbb script wasn't maintained and became a threat to the security of the machine.
I have a complete MYSQL dump if someone wants to setup a new version however, there will be a lot of sensitive information in those mysql records I'm sure a lot of the ex-users will still appreciate their privacy so I'm lothe to actually give the dumps out.
Maybe I could host the forums on a Temp domain.
The sensitive personal information issue is certainly understandable and I have no idea how I could go about convincing you that it would be perfectly safe in my hands. Such information would not be leaked, sold, traded, or otherwise whatsoever. I would just respectfully request your trust on this matter. If we can come to an agreement, I have all the necessary resources to have the public information back online rather quickly, is already set up to accept the data. Whatever you need as proof of my trustworthiness, feel free to ask anytime.
Can't the MySQL data be processed so as to remove the sensitive data? Definitely do not let the data die.
Yes the data could be stripped quite easily;
You will probably need to plug the MySQL backup blob/files into a MySQL engine and either delete/overwrite the offending columns or make a view(s) and redump the data.
two or three well SQL commands could do it.
Odds are you may even be able to purge most of the stuff from the profiles/user tables and still have integrity. (Rip out; Email/Realnames/MSN/AIM/ICQ/Address/DOB/Whatever)
Leave the User IDs/Alias Intact but simply nullify the columns that contain the sensitive data. Also if possible flag the users account to be made 'disabled/inactive'.
Ill try and have a look at this in the next few days... I'm a bit snowed under at the moment with Life and Work.
The only real "sensitive" information would be PMs and email addresses if the user has chosen to hide it. All the other information is voluntarily given when users sign up at the forum and is viewable in their profile.
I would rather have someone (perhaps one of the windier members ;) handpick USEFUL threads to keep as opposed to archiving the entire board. I do not want to bring back useless threads and long obsolete discussion. From there, I think good information can be extracted, paraphrased (with proper credits if applicable) to another medium (text or wiki) and then discarded leaving only historic threads which aren't suitable for wikification. I can't think of many examples of these however. All else IMO should be purged.
Ok, but there is alot of noise to sort out of the singal;
Heres an idea:
Copy a 'cleaned' (no-personal info) version of the DB and set that up as a 'historical archive' forum with limited access.
Pick a bunch of 'Curators' to go through the threads and reconstruct the important stuff;
A Wiki would be neat, I assume however that has lots of local storage available, as this stuff gets big fast.
That should minimize the bandwidth use and keep things nice and tidy.
I say just make it searchable and unedittable. People will then pull out data into a another document on an as need basis. I've been wanting to write up a simplified document on SWC DX2 and GD SF7 peripherials. Though my new job has been eating up most of my free time, and there is some info that sadly only exists in those CherryROMs threads.
Recoil, Has there been any progress on setting this backup free?
I came across a post at made in 2005 with links to cherryroms, where aparantly there was some discussion on getting a Jaz drive working with a WildCard DX2
# Guy Says:
December 5th, 2005 at 8:13 pm
The Datatank is a parallel IDE enclosure that uses the Kingbyte version 1 chipset, which is the only kind of parallel IDE enclosure that the DX2 supports. You can find them on Ebay, but I haven’t seen any for about half a year now. Here is a thread at CherryRoms detailing the parallel IDE devices that work with the DX2: can also use SCSI devices with the DX2. I did a little research and came up with the info in this thread: the DX2 supports several things: FAT12, FAT16, ISO9660, IDE, and SCSI. Though there are limitations, as stated in the above threads. The Zip drive support for the DX2 is actually via a parallel SCSI protocol, used by the chipset in DX2 compatible Zip drives. The cool part is that this same chipset can be purchased separately as a small SCSI to parallel adapter. With this, you can attach FAT16 formatted SCSI devices to your DX2. Interesting devices include, but are not limited to:
1. 250MB SCSI Zip drive
2. 1GB SCSI Jaz drive
So you aren’t limited to 100MB SCSI disks. There are limitations though. If you use the DX2 to format the device, it will result in a 100MB format, so you have to format the disks on a PC first, which isn’t a problem. Also, there are issues with using the DX2 to write to a format larger than 1GB. Others have tested 1GB Jaz disks without problems. I personally tested 2GB Jaz disks and had problems, though the DX2 could read the drive.
I'm really curious to see what technical information was discussed.
vvv wrote:
Recoil, Has there been any progress on setting this backup free?
I came across a post at made in 2005 with links to cherryroms, where aparantly there was some discussion on getting a Jaz drive working with a WildCard DX2
# Guy Says:
December 5th, 2005 at 8:13 pm
The Datatank is a parallel IDE enclosure that uses the Kingbyte version 1 chipset, which is the only kind of parallel IDE enclosure that the DX2 supports. You can find them on Ebay, but I haven’t seen any for about half a year now. Here is a thread at CherryRoms detailing the parallel IDE devices that work with the DX2: can also use SCSI devices with the DX2. I did a little research and came up with the info in this thread: the DX2 supports several things: FAT12, FAT16, ISO9660, IDE, and SCSI. Though there are limitations, as stated in the above threads. The Zip drive support for the DX2 is actually via a parallel SCSI protocol, used by the chipset in DX2 compatible Zip drives. The cool part is that this same chipset can be purchased separately as a small SCSI to parallel adapter. With this, you can attach FAT16 formatted SCSI devices to your DX2. Interesting devices include, but are not limited to:
1. 250MB SCSI Zip drive
2. 1GB SCSI Jaz drive
So you aren’t limited to 100MB SCSI disks. There are limitations though. If you use the DX2 to format the device, it will result in a 100MB format, so you have to format the disks on a PC first, which isn’t a problem. Also, there are issues with using the DX2 to write to a format larger than 1GB. Others have tested 1GB Jaz disks without problems. I personally tested 2GB Jaz disks and had problems, though the DX2 could read the drive.
I'm really curious to see what technical information was discussed.
Didn't know this
It indeed would be very intressting to read more about.
btw. has anyone ever tried to disassemble the BIOS of the DX2? I'm been thinking about if it would be possible to extend the BIOS with FAT32 and long filename support as I hate the 8+3 names. So if anyone knows anything about the BIOS and wether there is room for I'd like to know
Well I did some more research using advanced google search and I found some cached versions of the cherryroms discussion that took place.
Very useful information.
Thread 1
SWC DX2 Compatible Zip Drives 1/3
SWC DX2 Compatible Zip Drives 2/3
SWC DX2 Compatible Zip Drives 3/3
Thread 2
Zip Drive won't work with my DX2 1/1
This may be of use to other SWCDX2 owners.
Recoil, you may want to consider releasing the archive to someone else if you are busy with other obligations and don't have time. (I have servers in a data center with good bandwidth and many years of sysadmin experience, including MYSQL administration; and would be willing to invest some time in restoring it or even just lending a helping hand. I bet there are other folks around here that do too)
Take care
vvv, I've got my server set up for it also. Wouldn't hurt to have it mirrored more than once so it'd be better preserved.
So's been 2 months thus far, no one uses the forum I set up and no word on the cherryroms backup. I guess there's no longer any interest?
It looks that way, no archive == no interest.
You could ask Recoil whats happening, perhaps he just been busy.
Also you might need to 'advertise' the forum, for people to know about it.
this might be tricky, as many forum admins can get irritated if you link to something they don't personally approve of, ect...
Internet's Fun Ain't it?
Tips on advertising your new web site without looking like
- Start some decent threads and link to them from other forums. For example, write some reviews of copier hardware, post them to the forum, and link them wherever they are on-topic on some other forum.
- Link to the front page of your forum from your signature in other forums.
My sites getting re-jigged, i've had zero free time over the last 6 or so months.
But has a placeholder for the cherryroms archive, all i need now is the data.
/me nudges recoil..
Bumpage. Never saw this thread until now. I've been wanting the Cherryroms to be revived for quite some time. If this could really happen, that would be awesome! Just my 2 cents.
Since this whole thing never came to fruition, I have taken down CopyCon. No one used it anyways, so it was a pointless waste of server space. I will gladly give the domain to anyone here who can make good use of it.