Regarding 65816:
I'm not aware of any 65816 instruction test ROMs.
Please remember that the 65816's emulation mode (
sec/xce), the CPU emulates a 6502 -- not a 65c02 -- except bugs like the page-wrap
jmp ($xxFF) bug have been fixed. So in a way it's something between a 6502 and 65c02.
Invalid opcode testing would also fail, as the 65816's emulation mode does not properly emulate all of the invalid opcodes on the 6502 -- in other words, using one of the 105 (?) invalid opcodes on 6502 will actually execute the correct/associated 65816 opcode. In contrast/comparison, the 65802 (not a typo) does emulate the 105 invalid instructions correctly (AFAIK).
There's a lot more to it than just that, too. I suggest reading -- not skimming -- WDC's Programming The 65816 manual, pages 48 to 62, for details. The final paragraph of page 58 is highly relevant.
In short: if you want a "true 6502" (all the way down to the pinout), the 65802 is a better choice. The 65816 is "pretty good" in emulation mode, but you really have to make sure the underlying 6502 program isn't "clever" in anything it's doing and doesn't rely on... I don't know what to call them, 6502 design/aspect quirks?... otherwise you'll probably end up with unexpected results. As such, I've mentally always treated the 65816's emulation mode more like a 65c02, despite that not being entirely true.
As for more SNES-specific stuff:
Your best bet for emulator development/testing is just to run commonplace mode 20 (LoROM) games. Like with the NES, 95% of the development time is going to be spent on PPU-related emulation. Avoid testing with any games that use expansion chips (DSP, etc.). Move on to mode 21 (HiROM) after.
Super Mario All-Stars (mode 20, 16mbit) might also make for an interesting test -- the game that not only has copy protection (stops running on certain SNES copiers, requiring a patched ROM), but is rumoured to use emulation mode, as well as legacy NES-compatible MMIO registers $4016 and $4017 for joypad reading since the code was copied over from the NES/Famicom originals. I can certainly confirm the former, but the latter two were rumours that I strongly suspect are true.
The very old snes9x-debug release from Geiger has a output-all-instructions/flags/etc-to-a-file mode that might work well for log comparison, similar to nestest.
You'll need these details/files to get it running, at least on Windows 7 (no idea about 8 or 10), otherwise you'll get an unintuitive error.
Otherwise, in all sincerity, try to track down authors or maintainers of existing emulators. The original (and present maintainer) ZSNES folks were incredibly helpful, and so was Gary Henderson (never had the pleasure of talking to him myself). And, obviously, byuu would be a fantastic person to chat with too. And, of course, I'm still around too (my IIGS sits nearby).