Is there any tool to generate 4bpp tile map hexadecimal values which are indexes of tiles?
I'm currently using superfamiconv which gives me a tile map but when I use it it gives me garbage on screen. Also I've noticed when I export it as an C array it is by far larger than some arrays from my examples. (example: for picture 14x19 tiles I have array of the same size for tile map).
Using superfamiconv and setting dimensions of map to 16x16 the output file opened with hex editor is 496x16.
Or if someone knows more on how can I make this map file from superfamiconv useful it would be of great help.
tile map. not tiles.
yy-chr can make tiles.
You could make a tile map in tiled map editor, export csv, and turn it into a .asm file with a clever python (or whatever language) script.
The question seems confused then. Why would a tilemap need to be 4bpp? It seems a question about tilesets. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about since it's snes ^^
I'm guessing a "4bpp tilemap" is an abuse of nomenclature for a tilemap that contains appropriate attributes for accessing 16-color subpalettes.
Tool in question: (I'd never heard of this tool until now)
It would help if you could provide the exact arguments/commands you're using, and details of your image source files.
We had old tools in the MS-DOS days that would output assembly statements (usually
.db $xx,$xx,$xx,...) for such data, but almost certainly these tools would not work on whatever imagery you're using today.
My tilecoords tool from can do maps from any PNGs. You might also notice the array of bugs I filed for superfamiconv
YY-char has options like bg set and than you have to manually add tile by tile and export it as .nam file but the grid is too wide and I need to, also manually, delete 0x00 values that should not be there . (This is the only way I found to use yychr for my purpose).
What I need is something that could extract that from the image file.
I even got idea to write my own script for that purpose.
calima wrote:
My tilecoords tool from can do maps from any PNGs. You might also notice the array of bugs I filed for superfamiconv
I'm looking forward to check your tools as soon as possible
I remember asking this question before and for some reason I usually get responses like "it wouldn't be very useful because compression formats are highly customisable." Except that some programmers just want to get done with their game and don't care about saving every last byte.
did you post in the wrong forum? Nobody here is talking about a "compressed" tile map, just a tile map.
No, this thread just reminded me of time a while ago when I asked a similar question and got a response about "compression formats being highly customisable" when all I wanted was an easy way to make a tile map in general.