Dragon Warrior V

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Dragon Warrior V
by on (#15476)
which dragon warrior V translation is better for making my own cart? Anyone tried both, or has one or the other worked for you?

by on (#15563)
Didn't know the game was translated at all. It's cool ! BTW I hope they will export the PS2 remake of that game !!
Anyway try yourself. If the translation looks decent for the first 30 minutes of gameplay, then it should at 95% sure be decent from the begining to the end. If the translation looks not so much decent, then it may have only be partially translated and not terminated yet.

You'll need some rewiring with 16MBit EPROM controlled by '139 logic in order to build your card. I think Zelda 3 will do the work as a donator cartridge (?). Good luck.

by on (#15566)
Yeah, I've had no problems making them. I'm actually using an original dragon quest V cart as my donar. :) I haven't had any issues making repros, I'm just wondering if one of the translations will work better than the other on real hardware?

I know that there are two major translations: dejapp and byuu. Someone told me that dejapp has the better translation, but I haven't played either translation far enough to know. I just want to make sure that I don't get 80% through the game and find it totally stuck.

I guess the save game data is probably the same no matter which translation is used, so I could just burn the other translation if I run into trouble, but I'd still like to have the better one from the start! 8)

by on (#15569)
I'm totally unsure about compatibilty on real SNES hardware, but I've heard somewhere SNES9x is more accurate than ZSNES, wich is faster.
Normally save data should be 100% compatible unless the translator did some serious modification to the game source, wich isn't very probable. If they did modify the game source, it should be for uncompressing text data routines or that stuff, but saves should remain unchanged and compatible.
I think if the translation seems to work good under the latest SNES9x, then go for putting it on the real card.

by on (#15572)
Bregalad wrote:
Normally save data should be 100% compatible unless the translator did some serious modification to the game source, wich isn't very probable.

Unless they modified it to use Latin characters instead of kana for character names. This is part of why trading doesn't work between Pokémon games localized for Japanese and Latin markets.

by on (#15573)
Well, I guess the character number index a latin letter instead of a katakana or hiragana letter. The character's name may not be compatible.
I remember playing through Just Breed translated with my hero called "SSor", wich sound like a totally stupid name, but I started the game giving him a japaneese game then applied the patch.

by on (#15584)
tepples wrote:
Bregalad wrote:
Normally save data should be 100% compatible unless the translator did some serious modification to the game source, wich isn't very probable.

Unless they modified it to use Latin characters instead of kana for character names. This is part of why trading doesn't work between Pokémon games localized for Japanese and Latin markets.

Older Pokémon games, anyway.
Isn't possible in the GBA games?