Has anyone been able to interface a PC keyboard to the game port or some kind of storage device to the Super NES?
The scan codes from the Xband keyboard look identical to a PC keyboard and the pin outs are pretty much the same as PS/2 and USB with vcc, gnd, clk and data. FAT16/32 has been implemented in 6502 using SPI mode with SD cards. Can the same be done for the Super NES using one or both of the game ports for IO?
The scan codes from the Xband keyboard look identical to a PC keyboard and the pin outs are pretty much the same as PS/2 and USB with vcc, gnd, clk and data. FAT16/32 has been implemented in 6502 using SPI mode with SD cards. Can the same be done for the Super NES using one or both of the game ports for IO?