Rate my song

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Rate my song
by on (#219615)
Hello. This is the first song i made for the SNES.

What is good/bad about the song.
Re: Rate my song
by on (#220342)
The texture of the audio is nice. It was enjoyable, overall.

To me, the only bad part was the intro. And that's mostly because the percussion noise was kind of grating (though it blends in well enough once all the other parts are active). If it was me, I would either go for a fade-in and ditch the intro percussion, or alternatively, keep the intro as it is, but halve the length of it. Though it might make it sound kind of off-kilter if you're used to the current intro timing.

Feel free to post more stuff, I can't promise I'll have any useful comments, but I like to hear new stuff.