ZSNES debugger: F1 doesn't run on Xubuntu

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ZSNES debugger: F1 doesn't run on Xubuntu
by on (#192945)
Because no$sns 1.6 is infected, I've been looking for alternative means to debug my SPC700 code. In this post, Oziphantom recommended the debugger in ZSNES.

So I installed ZSNES from Ubuntu's repository.
$ xfce4-terminal --version
xfce4-terminal 0.6.3 (Xfce 4.12)

Copyright (c) 2003-2012
   The Xfce development team. All rights reserved.

Written by Benedikt Meurer <benny@xfce.org>
and Nick Schermer <nick@xfce.org>.

Please report bugs to <http://bugzilla.xfce.org/>.
$ sudo apt install zsnes
[much omitted]
$ zsnes -d /path/to/my/rom.sfc

It gave me a screen looking like this:
  - ZSNES debugger -
0─── 65816 ───── CC:142 Y:  0 ───────────────────           0 ────────────────┐
│008009 SEI                    A:0000 X:0000 Y:0000 S:01ff DB:00 D:0000 P:34 E│
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(T)race for  (B)reakpoint  (Enter) Next  (M)odify  (F9) Signal  (F1) Run

I pressed F1 to Run, in order to see what it'd do, and instead I got a screen like this:
Do you want to read the
Xfce Terminal manual

You will be redirected to the documentation
website where the help pages are maintained and

☐ Always go directly to the online documentation

Xubuntu 16.04 LTS includes Xfce 4 Terminal 0.6.3, but the "Disable help window shortcut key (F1 by default)" preference wasn't added until version 0.8.0.

I pressed F9 to Signal, to see what that does, and got "Unknown key code: 273".

The only keys that appear to work are Enter to run one 65816 instruction (and one SPC700 instruction if it is due), T to run a given number of 65816 instructions (and the corresponding number of SPC700 instructions), B to set a breakpoint (but I don't know how I'd advance to it given that Run doesn't work), and M to modify 65816 memory.

What am I doing wrong? Should I install a different terminal emulator?
Re: ZSNES debugger: F1 doesn't run on Xubuntu
by on (#192946)
Yes. Try "real" xterm.

e.g. Dosbox's debugger only works with a real xterm, and not my preferred urxvt.
Re: ZSNES debugger: F1 doesn't run on Xubuntu
by on (#192965)
lidnariq wrote:
Try "real" xterm.

In other words:
xterm -e zsnes -d /path/to/rom.sfc
(then in the xterm)

That's an improvement. Thank you; I'll see what I can do from here.
Re: ZSNES debugger: F1 doesn't run on Xubuntu
by on (#192994)
tepples wrote:
Thank you; I'll see what I can do from here.

You can party debug like it's 1999. Ninteen ninety nine! :P
Re: ZSNES debugger: F1 doesn't run on Xubuntu
by on (#192997)
The gap between Super NES debuggers intended to run on a 1999 computer and debuggers intended to run on a Core i series is unfortunate.
Re: ZSNES debugger: F1 doesn't run on Xubuntu
by on (#193003)
There does exist a middle ground in Geiger's, but of course he too couldn't be bothered to share his source code, even though his entire program only exists thanks to the work of countless other people sharing theirs.