Creating Snes Music or Snes Conversion needed

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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Creating Snes Music or Snes Conversion needed
by on (#192442)
Is there any particular tracker to use to create snes music Open MPT is great but I can't figure out how to convert the result into the SPC format for the SNES. All help appreciated.
Re: Creating Snes Music or Snes Conversion needed
by on (#192445)
You have to look into SNES focused tools that can convert certain types of mod music/tracker files into something that can be played back on the SNES. Any general tracker program is not going to have any way to output a SPC file. There are atleast a couple SNES projects out there related to converting and playing MOD type music in SNES programs. One I think is SNESMOD, and I want to say there was another but I can't think of its name.
Re: Creating Snes Music or Snes Conversion needed
by on (#192451)
Shiru's SNESGSS is the only one I know.
Re: Creating Snes Music or Snes Conversion needed
by on (#192458)
SNESMOD can be found here: