psycopathicteen wrote:
You guys missed the point entirely. SNES9x sounds bad even when I'm not recording a video. I was asking if there was either a way to fix SNES9x's sound quality, or a video capture plugin for other emulators.
Well, the ideal solution is retrofit Higan
1) retrofit higan with SMV support
2A) retrofit higan with either the ZMBV codec ala DOSBOX, or
2B) retrofit higan with being able to pipe a raw stream (-c:v rawvideo -c:a pcm_16le) to FFMPEG
FFMPEG and Youtube can read the ZMBV 16bpp or 32bpp without any trouble. Only the 8bpp indexed color mode has any minor issues, which you wouldn't use for SNES emulation anyway.
What I used with DOSBOX if I'm trying to force Youtube to not suck
ffmpeg -i "%1" -g 30 -coder 1 -bf 2 -flags +cgop -vcodec libx264 -x264opts ref=5:opencl:crf=22.0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v high -level 52 -r 60 -movflags faststart -codec:a aac -b:a 512k -f mp4 %1.mp4
This doesn't include scaling or aspect ratio correction, as typically I would cut/edit/crop/scale the video in virtualdub first. If I bypass that, it's instead
ffmpeg -i "%1" -sws_flags neighbor+full_chroma_inp -vf scale=-1:2160 -g 30 -coder 1 -bf 2 -flags +cgop -vcodec libx264 -x264opts ref=5:opencl:crf=22.0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v high -level 52 -r 60 -movflags faststart -codec:a aac -b:a 512k -f mp4 %1.mp4
Needless to say these settings are extremely overkill and are meant really for video editing rather than straight to youtube, but if you upload it straight to youtube, it will work. This doesn't include aspect ratio correction or padding (see tepples example)
Basically youtube is a crapshoot, because they change things sometimes, and that results in files sometimes work when they are uploaded and stop working later. For example, I have a few videos I used the ZMBV codec for on youtube with no keyframes, and originally Youtube transcoded to all smaller formats automatically (eg 720p to 480p) and this worked fine, but then youtube seems to have switched to transcode-on-the-fly and without keyframes, you can't seek these videos. Likewise 4:4:4 h264 video will upload, and so will non-compliant frame-rates and levels will upload, but they will play at the wrong speed or will have no picture after the first 2 seconds.
The worst thing I discovered with youtube is that it drops frames during playback, so if you seek in youtube to say 1:00 it will not be 1:00 in the original video.
I know this doesn't address "why does the sound not sound accurately" question but what I'm trying to point out here is that there is not currently a way to capture accurate audio in an emulator, and even if you could, the average person doesn't know how to maintain that audio over their editing process, and then youtube will ruin it if you don't upload the footage at 720p60.