I'm using bsnes-plus and higan v101. Here is the relevant section of code. I can paste more if you need it. It works fine in my own standalone test ROM, but inserting it into the ROM hack results in almost nothing getting transferred in the first frame, and then subsequent frames which upload only about 1/4 of the data per frame seem to be mostly completing, but they're still getting cut short, as I can see that the tiles in VRAM are not aligned from one frame to the next (I have to use the VRAM viewer because nothing is visible on screen except a solid color that flashes rapidly, no tile data is visible).
macro SCREEN_OFF() {
sep #$20
lda #$80 // screen off
sta $2100 // brightness + screen enable register
macro SCREEN_ON() {
sep #$20
lda #$0F // screen on, full brightness
sta $2100 // brightness + screen enable register
macro MSU_TO_VRAM(count) {
lda #$80
sta $2115 // VRAM single word transfer, word increment
ldx #$1809
stx $4300 // DMA destination: VMDATAL/VMDATAH, fixed source
ldx #{REG_MSU_DATA}// MSU-1 data read port
stx $4302 // Low DMA source address
lda #$00
sta $4304 // High DMA source address
ldx.w {count}
stx $4305 // Transfer 2048 bytes
lda #$01
sta $420B // Start DMA transfer
macro MSU_TO_CGRAM() {
stz $2121 // Start at color 0
ldx #$2208
stx $4300 // DMA destination: CGDATA, byte increment
ldx #{REG_MSU_DATA}// MSU-1 data read port
stx $4302 // Low DMA source address
lda #$00
sta $4304 // High DMA source address
ldx #$0200
stx $4305 // Transfer 512 bytes
lda #$01
sta $420B // Start DMA transfer
// First frame upload, almost nothing from this transfer gets uploaded
stz $4200
sei // Disable interrupts
// Load tilemap and tile data
stz $2116
lda #$0C
sta $2117 // VRAM address $1800
// MSU_TO_VRAM(#$9840)
lda #$03
sta $2105 // Set video mode 3, 8x8 tiles, 256 color BG1, 16 color BG2
lda #$0C
sta $2107 // Set BG1 tilemap offset to $1800 and size to 32x32
lda #$01
sta $210B // Set BG1 tile data offset to $2000
lda #$FF
sta $210E // Set BG1 scroll register
sta $210E
lda #$01
sta $212C // Enable BG1
// Load CGRAM via DMA transfer
// Only 3-4 palettes get transferred successfully here
// Wait for scanline 39