Earlier this week I rummaged through NESDev for mentions of "WLA DX" and I found this viewtopic.php?f=12&t=12268&p=139715&hilit=wla+dx#p139715
I filed a relevant issue on WLA DX's Github: https://github.com/vhelin/wla-dx/issues/104 and worked things out with Ville (creator of WLA DX) and nicklausw.
That was never actually a bug. After research, I discovered that Espozo was using definitions he had not yet defined in one part of his program, and then using them later after the definitions had been defined. That is what caused the discrepancy. When you use symbols that are not yet defined, they go to the linker stage - which currently has less powerful inference capabilities - whereas known definitions are more strongly inferred at the assembler stage.
The moral of the story is to define your definitions before using them.
The circumstance is not considered a bug and I am pushing for a change to the program that will warn the user if such a circumstance arises in the code. (using definitions before they are defined)
WLA-DX's weak linker inference capability is another issue altogether that I suggest solutions for on Githubs WLA-DX Issues page. A solution to that could squash the "use before defined" circumstance from being problematic altogether, with strong linker-stage inference taking care of it anyways.
Unrelated, but I never found any evidence of SPC700 WLA-DX bugs, although I've heard rumors. Can anyone clarify the situation? I created SNES programs featuring audio using WLA-DX 9.4 for 65816 and spc700 in the past without any issues. I can only hope the Github development branch is still stable (until we get a testing framework up).
Your knowledge is best posted directly to WLA-DX Github issues page. I encourage you to register an account if you have answers and are not already registered. I am not a forwarding service.
I filed a relevant issue on WLA DX's Github: https://github.com/vhelin/wla-dx/issues/104 and worked things out with Ville (creator of WLA DX) and nicklausw.
That was never actually a bug. After research, I discovered that Espozo was using definitions he had not yet defined in one part of his program, and then using them later after the definitions had been defined. That is what caused the discrepancy. When you use symbols that are not yet defined, they go to the linker stage - which currently has less powerful inference capabilities - whereas known definitions are more strongly inferred at the assembler stage.
The moral of the story is to define your definitions before using them.
The circumstance is not considered a bug and I am pushing for a change to the program that will warn the user if such a circumstance arises in the code. (using definitions before they are defined)
WLA-DX's weak linker inference capability is another issue altogether that I suggest solutions for on Githubs WLA-DX Issues page. A solution to that could squash the "use before defined" circumstance from being problematic altogether, with strong linker-stage inference taking care of it anyways.
Unrelated, but I never found any evidence of SPC700 WLA-DX bugs, although I've heard rumors. Can anyone clarify the situation? I created SNES programs featuring audio using WLA-DX 9.4 for 65816 and spc700 in the past without any issues. I can only hope the Github development branch is still stable (until we get a testing framework up).
Your knowledge is best posted directly to WLA-DX Github issues page. I encourage you to register an account if you have answers and are not already registered. I am not a forwarding service.