unrelated thread reminded me of this one. I started this thread almost 2 years and wanted to note what all I've "accomplished" with regards to the subject:
Tracking down Norman was both easy and difficult. Most of what allowed me to get the info I dug up was my memory (where he was from, some minor personal details, etc.), combined with some extensive Googling. Relevant info was quite "deep" into search results, and I had to know exactly what I was looking for. I had to keep a Word document with all the details/stuff I found just to make sure I was following the right trail. I have to admit I came across some personal stuff (family matters, incl. property ownership, businesses, deaths, etc.), which made me feel extremely invasive of privacy. I knew Norman "decently" but nothing about his family, so this felt very awkward for me. Part of it is also that he's Chinese, and as a Mandarin speaker I'm familiar with general Chinese culture, so this made it *extra* uncomfortable for me. I wasn't expecting to find the stuff I did is all, and I have no clue what the dynamics/relationships are within the family, so I had to go out on a limb.
The best I was able to do was track down his younger brother on Twitter -- sounds crazy, but I have some random old info from BBS days that connect the two brothers together, so that's how I knew it was the right guy -- but he doesn't use it for anything other than RT's and trying to win free stuff in giveaways. That allowed me to indirectly find his brother on Steam, where I added him. Several days later I had the chance to talk to him (brother). Needless to say, it certainly sounded creepy ("hi I'm this old friend of your brother's during the 90s, blah blah, I wanted to ask him some questions about some old software he wrote, how could I get in touch with him" -- it would make me think "yeah sure, WEIRDO {delete}"), but I did get a definitive answer: Norman's on Facebook, so I should find him and talk to him there. I didn't push the matter any further, and removed his brother from Steam (respecting privacy etc.).
Thing is... I absolutely
hate Facebook (way more than any other social media platform). I gritted my teeth for weeks, but eventually took the plunge and re-enabled my account from days of early Facebook days, and found + added Norman + crossed my fingers.
Sadly it's gone no where. I've done this at least 3 times in the past 2 years, but he never adds me back, and due to privacy settings obviously doesn't accept private messages from non-friends. I haven't managed to find him anywhere else.
So I'm kind of at an impasse. I have one final way to try and get in touch with him via phone, but it feels a bit too invasive considering it's a family/work-related phone number. I may end up having to re-add his brother and say hey, your bro didn't get back to me, is there an Email address or something...? The problem with the latter is that it seems pushy -- like for all his brother knows, I'm some weird stalker, or maybe I'm some guy trying to collect on old debts, or who knows what. You know?
That's my status update.
As for the assembler itself:
Given Norman's background and skill set, x816 is certainly a combination of Turbo Pascal and x86 assembly. Turbo Pascal did not have good memory management capability back in the late 90s (read: no native EMS or XMS support) -- I know because I extensively looked at the time so that I could make TRaCER (also in Turbo Pascal) linearly allocate more than ~60KBytes of memory and found nothing (that's why it's so slow: it literally reads from disk N bytes correlating with opcode+operand) -- so odds are Norman coded the XMS support himself. In the early 2000s there was a 386 protected mode extender for Turbo Pascal 7.x called Swallow, but the last x816 release was in 1998.