65c816 test rom

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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65c816 test rom
by on (#165152)
Hi all,

I have developed an 65c816 cpu core emulation using ARM.

I need to have some test code to verify the core works perfectly.

Do anyone knows where I can find some test roms / assembly code that can test a 65c816 ?

Thanks for any pointers.
Re: 65c816 test rom
by on (#165153)
Does its emulation mode (SEC XCE) run nestest correctly, at least until the part where the unofficial (and uninherited) instructions start? (Despite the name, it's a CPU test and has a mode with no dependency on the NES PPU.)
Re: 65c816 test rom
by on (#165156)
For the nestest.nes
My core pass all the test on the first page of normal instructions and address modes
For the second page of invalid opcodes, it hangs after issuing a beep.