I've been trying to do this exact thing, using BSNES Debugger to dump audio ram and playing it in Audacity, but it all sounds like garbage, and I'm wondering if maybe I'm doing it wrong because it gives you a bunch of options as how to play it. It asks you as to whether the sample is: (unfortunately, I have no clue what any of this means)
8 bit unsigned PCM,
8, 16, 32, or 64 bit signed PCM,
32 or 64 bit float,
U or A Law,
GSM 6.10,
12, 16, or 32 bit DWVW,
and it also asks if the sample is little or big endian. I know the sample rate would be at most 32000kHz, but that's probably very unlikely it will ever be that, and I imagine it fluctuates for each sample.
8 bit unsigned PCM,
8, 16, 32, or 64 bit signed PCM,
32 or 64 bit float,
U or A Law,
GSM 6.10,
12, 16, or 32 bit DWVW,
and it also asks if the sample is little or big endian. I know the sample rate would be at most 32000kHz, but that's probably very unlikely it will ever be that, and I imagine it fluctuates for each sample.