Well, I've been using ca65 for a while now after "The Incident" and I like it for the most part, but there are a couple of things I'm not sure how to do that I was able to do in WLA. See, in the game I'm making, I have an "object spawner" that looks for an empty object slot to put the specified number in. I then go through and check all the slots in the object table and jump to the code that corresponds to the number I stored earlier, if that makes sense. It works perfectly, but if I want to create a bullet, it looks like this:
In the code, 4 represents a bullet, but when I start adding a ton of different objects, it is going to become difficult as to what number corresponds to what object. I know in WLA, you could say something like "bullet = 4" and whenever you mentioned "bullet" the assembler would now to substitute it with 4, so the code above would look like:
Is this possible to do in ca65?
lda #$0004
sta NewObjectRequest
jsr start_object_spawner
sta NewObjectRequest
jsr start_object_spawner
In the code, 4 represents a bullet, but when I start adding a ton of different objects, it is going to become difficult as to what number corresponds to what object. I know in WLA, you could say something like "bullet = 4" and whenever you mentioned "bullet" the assembler would now to substitute it with 4, so the code above would look like:
lda bullet
sta NewObjectRequest
jsr start_object_spawner
sta NewObjectRequest
jsr start_object_spawner
Is this possible to do in ca65?