Banshaku wrote:
Since you have windows 10, I would recommend that you install the Windows subsystem for linux (WSL) and to compile it in that environment. Most of the command lines tools are often more easy to compile in a *nix environment and WSL does improve your chances of compiling it properly compared to other tools that in the past. I think I compiled it once but I did a reset of WSL so I may try it again and see if there is any specific step to do if you get stuck and don't know how to do it.
The best is to just git clone from WSL and build from there. You may need to install a few tools that it depends on (like cmake) before being able to built it properly.
I got WSL, fixed a bunch of errors I was having with Cmake, now I can't figure out how to cross platform build. Using -A "Win32", deleting CMakeCache, It's spitting out this error:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:24 (project):
Unix Makefiles
does not support platform specification, but platform
was specified.
I'm not the best with Cmake, and I've used it before; Linux isn't my favorite OS, but I feel like I have a pretty good handle on it.
I've gotten the binaries made for Unix, is that what OS you guys are running while programming for SNES? I'm sure I could dig up Windows 7 > VM > XP.
I got a full Ubuntu just to see if that would work, again it's telling me I can only compile for Unix, I compiled, make'd, make'd installed, and it gives me an error for the copying of wla-gb, says install failed, and I end up with a bunch of "Files".
I realize I'm pretty late to the scene. Thanks for any more help.
edit: I got this working for Unix/Linux, I just compiled in the Linux environment following the first step of the instructions, and I'll just code in Linux to avoid having to back date my Windows OS. The resulting "Files" after making the binaries operate within Terminal. I.e. ./wla-65816
This was confusing for me because I was expecting the resulting binaries to have executable programs in them, as you'd see from the pre-compiles.
To anyone else that has issues with their Cmake compile on Linux:(These are the tools Banshaku spoke of aside from Cmake):
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt install make
Delete the CMakeCache.txt
Would be cool if someone could drop a line on their successes with Windows OS.
Edit 2 On Windows Success!: I realized that this is a command line executable, as such it is launched from cmd prompt and utilized within. So if you have the assembler compiled for win32 it should work on windows. There are various Windows precompiles out there, just do some digging, if you do your own windows compile they might not end up as ".exe" programs, rather just files, they'll likely still work so give it a shot.
Be sure to test using example files in wla's corresponding directory.