Hey all, I've been looking for a bit and am coming up short... I'm sorry to ask, but does anyone have or know where I can go to get a full schematic of ANY SNES game, HiROM and/or LoROM, that has both ROM and RAM, ideally Save RAM?
any website or so that would be relevant would be greatly appreciated as well.
Espozo wrote:
He's looking for schematics dude.. as in electrical wiring diagrams..
(I wasn't sure what schematic meant.)
Espozo wrote:
:oops: (I wasn't sure what schematic meant.)
Espozo, if you're ever in doubt, you can goto google or my favorite: my browser URL box. and just type "define:[word]" it's a special Google keyword it's obvious what it does haha
Satashi, mind if I ask you -why- are you looking for such a schematic? Maybe I can work with you here.
I guess a schematic helps one build a repro board from scratch without using a donor.
I'm looking into making a no-frills flash cart to help fill my collection. There are a ton of SNES games that didn't make it to America and I really want to have most of them. Right now I'm seeing about everything I would need and this is currently on the top of my list. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Also thanks for the attempted help Espozo, made me happy you tried
Is the
INL-HiLoROM too expensive?
yes and no. Although I do LOVE the INL boards, I do seem to have quite a lot of problems with them. Some times they work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes I have to plug them through a game genie so they don't crash, and sometimes they just flat out don't run games. I've bought 17 boards now and just... want to take matters into my own hands sometimes, so to speak. Though I don't have any intention of selling these like they do. I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Is this picture good? It looks very lacking, but it's the only one I found. (You have no idea how many Gameboy cartridge schematics have been made.)
progger[1].gif [ 14.8 KiB | Viewed 2137 times ]
Here's a Super Gameboy one too, because it looks a lot more detailed and I'm sure you could take some parts from it.
SuperGameBoy[1].gif [ 32.75 KiB | Viewed 2137 times ]
Thanks a lot for your help, but I can't use a gameboy / super gameboy for schematics because they're...well, not SNES games. I do really appreciate the effort though.