Just a quick issue I've noticed a few times on my own dev boards. Sometimes after programming the SuperCIC onto my PIC12F629 chips and adding it to my board it doesn't work. Programmed and verified properly, but then fails to boot up. Replace the chip with another one, and it works. But if I reprogram that same chip it will work in another board.
At first I figured it was my programmer, but then I bought a new one (SuperPro 600p) because I was tired of the crappy GQ brand stuff, and it does the same thing. Chips program and verify correctly, but sometimes fail to boot on the system.
I'm using a 22uf cap in close proximity to it (but not dedicated to it, as it is close to another chip as well), as it is on a Nintendo branded cart. Is it possible that 22uf is too much for the PIC, or not enough? Or should I have a smaller dedicated cap on it right off the VCC and GND pins on the PIC?
At first I figured it was my programmer, but then I bought a new one (SuperPro 600p) because I was tired of the crappy GQ brand stuff, and it does the same thing. Chips program and verify correctly, but sometimes fail to boot on the system.
I'm using a 22uf cap in close proximity to it (but not dedicated to it, as it is close to another chip as well), as it is on a Nintendo branded cart. Is it possible that 22uf is too much for the PIC, or not enough? Or should I have a smaller dedicated cap on it right off the VCC and GND pins on the PIC?