This page about the Super-FX was really fascinating, I never knew such details about the chip.
It's a shame it's only able to render stuff in 16-colours, that' quite a huge limitation if you ask me. Imagine if it could do 256 colours in mode 3/4/7 !
Does all Super-FX games use the same FX software or is it different for each game ? It is stored together with the game ROM and then is downloaded into the chip somehow, or is it stored separately ?
It's a shame it's only able to render stuff in 16-colours, that' quite a huge limitation if you ask me. Imagine if it could do 256 colours in mode 3/4/7 !
Does all Super-FX games use the same FX software or is it different for each game ? It is stored together with the game ROM and then is downloaded into the chip somehow, or is it stored separately ?