I'm currently picking away at a hack for Final Fight Guy (J) and am making really good progress but I find myself horribly constrained by the limitations of Geiger's SNES9X debugger, mainly the fact that the RAM window updates at such a painfully slow pace and that it seems to want to crash every three to five minutes. I guess I'm a bit spoiled by FCEUXD SP.
Is there some kind of acceptable alternative debug emulator that might be flying under my radar? I find it hard to believe that this is the only SNES emulator out there with these kinds of utilities. Thanks, guys.
BSNES as some point featured a debugger but it didn't seem as handy as the one SNES9X one that is out there. I agree that a SNES emulator with a debugegr like FCEUX would be amazing. I wish every system had such a nice debugger. I think BGB is such an emulator for Gameboy/Color. But other than those 2 systems I don't think anything else has something so useful.
Yeah, no wonder there is such a dearth of SNES hacks and homebrew out there compared to NES. I don't know how anyone gets anything done with such crappy tools. I'm not holding my breath for another version of Geiger's to be released, but even if there was some kind of RAM viewer out there that updated more than twice per second I'd be happy enough.
Keep your fingers crossed, sounds like byuu's working on a rewrite of the bsnes debugger...
no$sns has a debugger too.
Shiru wrote:
no$sns has a debugger too.
If there's a SNES emulator in library form out there that has APIs for debug access, I could integrate it as a target machine in NESICIDE.
I've had quite a few "when are you going to do SNESICIDE" sort of requests. But I'm not [yet] up to the task of writing a SNES emulator with the required access points. My debugger memory and register viewers are all data-driven based on models of the underlying HW. It'd likely take not that much time to create models of the SNES memory/registers.
Shiru wrote:
no$sns has a debugger too.
I haven't tried that out. Does it have any similar features to the FCEUX debugger?
Edit: Wow, NO$SNS certainly does seem to have the best debugging features.
I tried an older version of BSNES with debug stuff in it. I like that there is a VRAM viewer and everything, but the RAM screen refreshes even slower than Geiger's. I have not tried no$sns, is it still being worked on?
Sverker wrote:
I tried an older version of BSNES with debug stuff in it. I like that there is a VRAM viewer and everything, but the RAM screen refreshes even slower than Geiger's. I have not tried no$sns, is it still being worked on?
It should be, Last time I checked it is still active, even without a lot of releases!
Alright, sweet. Thanks for the helpful answers, guys!