SNES rgb comparisons

This is an archive of a topic from NESdev BBS, taken in mid-October 2019 before a server upgrade.
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SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111173)
Here's a video I made capturing RGB from my various SNES models. It's captured using a Startech PCI-E capture card.

1Chip SNES: ...

RGB Modded SNES Mini:

I have 105 Ohms of resistance on the RGB on the mini for these videos: ... ...

Here's another I did comparing the S-video and RGB of the mini and the SENC model, here I had 75 ohm resistors on the mini's RGB, S-video capture was done through a Avermedia USB capture device: ... IA&index=2

Be sure to watch them in HD for the best comparison.

Just posting for anyone who's curious.
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111185)
Hrmmm, getting RGB jailbars with my SNS-001 SRGB. I'm gonna assume there's a problem with my newly purchased rgb cable because I don't get those with s-video or composite. I also get some slight flicker with all the SNES's with this cable.

Anyways, I did another comparison with the Earthbound intro. ...
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111200)
Thanks for posting. I did something similar but with s-video:

Left = snes mini (onechip ppu) with a sony cxa2075 encoder wired up
Right = s-video from a stock model 1 snes with the two ppu system

Watch in hd for best results. As a bonus the cxa2075 gets rid of that translucent bar in the middle of the screen.

By the way the only difference between the s-enc and s-rgb is the video encoder the ppu is the same. I also think my video makes the difference easier to spot. The onechip ppu outputs sharper rgb than the two ppu system, how blurry s-video is also depends on the quality of video encoder chip you use. Getting s-video in the snes mini from the built in rohm video encoder was noticably more blurry than s-video in the same system from a sony cxa2075 encoder.
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111244)
I never really checked the ppu revision on the SRGB fat snes I tested. I know the SRGB encoder one I did was a PPU1 revision 1, and ppu2 revision 3. Unsure on my SENC one. And ya, the one chip snes blows the regular one out of the water as far as quality goes, it's extremely close to emulator.

^ not mine, but a friend on irc, that's a 1chip via rgb. It's almost indistinguishable from emulator. I just recently found out my boxed snes is also a 1chip (aside from my mini's which are also 1chip's, but need rgb and s-video added).

Slightly off topic. Do you know what would cause flickering like this on a snes rgb cable:

I also get rgb jailbars on all my snes's with that cable, it's just very very feint on the 1chip and SENC model, but the SRGB one shows them extremely bad as you can see in that earthbound intro on my comparison video.

I bought it off ebay, the lady that sells them there, but I have a feeling this one is defective. Ever run into this sort of issue?
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111284)
I havn't played much with rgb. I built a cxa2075 stripped down application circuit, stuck it into my snes mini, and away I went.
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111286)

Well, I just ordered 3 pots to adjust the RGB on my mini because 75 Ohm's wasn't enough resistance and the picture is too bright, and 105 Ohms is too much making it too dark. I'm gonna fine tune the RGB this weekend and since I recently discovered I actually have a 1Chip snes (it was my boxed one), I can get a great comparison to where the mini should be.

Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111330)
Hrmmm I just noticed in your video, you're comparing a S-video from a mini that was modded with the sony circuit, with a stock model 1 with s-video.

I don't think that's a fair comparison at all. I modded my mini for s-video and it was clearly sharper and had a better picture than my model 1 without adding the sony encoder, and I posted the video of the results. You can see in the video, the model 1 s-video has more of a blur to it and the s-video from the mini is more crisp. The mini is using a SRGB-A, as was the model 1 in that video, so two exact same encoders, two different outputs, this is due to the PPU not the encoder.

If you want to compare your sony encoder, you'll need to compare with a mini that's using its stock encoder vs that sony one, or at least compare a model 1 with the same encoder. What you're doing there is just taking something that had a worse picture to begin with and comparing it to something you modded that already had a superior picture before the new encoder. The mini is using a 1Chip which from my best understanding of the conversation I had with Ikari_01, outputs a better picture due to the ppu, not the encoder.
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111362)
Mini with the stock encoder vs a mini with the cxa2075 that I posted ages ago:





youtube isn't exactly good enough quality to show this difference.
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111374)
Interesting, it's clearly sharper with the new encoder. I just bought 5 of those sony encoders and plan to install one of them in my SFC that has a really bad case of jailbars in RGB. I'll post a before and after video when complete.
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111391)
Drakon wrote:
youtube isn't exactly good enough quality to show this difference.

JPEG screws things up pretty badly too, when not at 100% quality or near that.
Re: SNES rgb comparisons
by on (#111405)
My potentiometer's arrived today, and I was able to dial in my SNES mini's rgb values today. I first took a lossless capture of my 1Chip snes, and captured about 12 minutes of footage of a still screen (the file select for super mario world) and adjusted the pots on my mini that I was live capturing to compare to get it as exact as I could. The closest I could get it was Green 68, Red 72, Blue 78. They're sharpness and quality are nearly identical, but the 1Chip has a stronger red output. It's miniscule enough now that I don't care.

Watch in HD for best results.